Lumiform Mobile audits & inspections
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Industry Solutions
Our software is very intuitive and customizable, here are a few examples of how you can use Lumiform for digital audits and inspections.
woman typing on computer

HR Management

Discover how workflow automation in HR management simplifies processes and increases efficiency to enable modern HR management in your company.

hotel room


Operational excellence in the hotel industry with workflow automation. Optimize hotel operations with Lumiform. Find out how our app enables greater efficiency in the hotel industry.

woman leaning against server

IT and ICT

App automation for an efficient workflow in ICT and IT. Make your routines simpler and faster, create intuitive IT security audits and use our automated documentation management.

person in medical scrubs holding phone


We are revolutionizing healthcare with automated workflow management. Optimize organization, care and planning in the healthcare sector with Lumiform.

two men shake hands

Professional Services

You can coordinate professional services better with automation software. Thanks to detailed checklists, service providers always know what needs to be done.

two hands clinking wine glasses across a table


Revolutionize your restaurant business with smart workflow automation. Discover how our workflow automation software specifically optimizes your operations, increases efficiency and offers your guests an exceptional customer experience.

houses from above

Real Estate

We are revolutionizing the real estate industry through seamless workflow automation in property management.

many cranes and construction equipment in a mining pit


Ensure optimized workflows in mining. We show you how automation increases your efficiency, facilitates the implementation of safety standards and digitalizes maintenance management.

white car


Optimize production and maintenance processes in the automotive industry with our workflow automation software. Create customized checklists to increase quality and efficiency and ensure consistent compliance with standards.

A worker standing in front of a truck post-inspection

Transportation and logistics

Transform the way your transportation and logistics business operates when you introduce workflow automation to make existing processes faster and more accurate. Automation also helps you introduce new processes based on the data gathered about older ones