Lumiform / Infographics / 6 questions to ask on your mystery shopping checklist
By Max Elias | May 11, 2023 | Reading time: 1minute
Mystery shoppers are used in all sorts of customer-service related industries, like restaurants, retail store, or hotels. They help you as a business owner evaluate employee performance, measure efficiency, and provide an outsider perspective on your business. The types of questions you will ask mystery shoppers to answer vary depending on your industry, but there are a few general categories any mystery shopping checklist should include.
Mystery shoppers are not random, they are trained individuals who need to know specifics of your company. When preparing your mystery shoppers for their work, remember three things.
- Avoid too many details. Keep observations general enough that your mystery shopper can remember it all.
- Be quick. Enter observations as soon as they’re noticed.
- Check collected data regularly.