What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos characterises naturally found, fibrous siliceous minerals. Asbestos is chemically very resistant, not sensitive to heat and stable to fires. The material is very elastic, tensile and can be easily processed with other materials due to its bonding ability.
Because of these special properties, asbestos has been used in a variety of products since 1930. Often sbestos was used in construction, as a sealant or for motor vehicles. It is now known that asbestos is a carcinogenic substance. Its use in the European Union is prohibited. Although asbestos has not been used for some time, its disposal is not easy. Numerous asbestos products can be found in many old buildings.
Why Is Asbestos Dangerous?
The harmful effects of asbestos on health result from the mineral’s fine filaments’ splitting. Because of the progressive splitting, they can be easily inhaled and become lodged in the lungs over the long term, irritating the tissues. The particles can be easily inhaled and can cause hardening of the lungs.
Asbestos is especially dangerous when fibers are exposed in, for example, building materials. These particles are released particularly during renovation and restoration work, posing a hazard. If asbestos fibers are inhaled, long-term and serious diseases can result.
To protect craftmen It is highly recommended to read through this before carrying out any construction work.
Asbestosis, a hardening of the lungs, became a recognised occupational disease as early as 1936. Most occupational diseases resulting in death are still closely related to asbestos today. According to the National Asbestos Profile Germany, occupational exposure to asbestos in 2917 63% of all deaths is an
What Are the Legal Obligations?
In dealing with asbestos, there are no legal regulations regarding the testing of buildings. Nevertheless, those who take care of asbestos testing carefully avoid endangering themselves and others. For example, after the risk assessment, a contractor has a duty to investigate and must carry out on this basis a duty to investigate. This audit serves as an opportunity to ensure adequate occupational safety for employees.
Asbestos-Containing Materials
Asbestos-containing materials are detected by a trained eye. The carcinogenic building material does not emit odors or radiation. Listed below are some materials that may contain asbestos.
- Asbestos cement such as in window sills, ventilation ducts, facade panels and flower boxes.
- Sprayed asbestos as sheathing of steel girders and, for example, heating pipes.
- Asbestos boards as heat protection behind stoves and radiators.
- Asbestos cord in pipe wrapping or for sealing furnaces.
- Flor-Flex panels and floor panels
Asbestos exposure can also be identified by the year a house was built. If the house was built between 1930 and 1993 and has not been renovated since then, the probability is very high that the building material asbestos was installed in the facade or roof.