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Keep procedures safe with a rope access risk assessment form

A Rope Access Risk Assessment Form is a document used to assess the potential risks associated with rope access work. It identifies the hazards and the steps that need to be taken to mitigate them. This form is essential for ensuring the safety of workers performing tasks at height using ropes, and it is required by many industries and regulatory bodies.

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Is this a true SAT job?
If it is not SAT it is...
The following information constitutes an on-site risk assessment for the job. A Method Statement is also required.
Access to hight will be by:
Via Velux window or rooflight Sky SAT procedures with roped access techniques in use.
Ladder. With minimum control measures ( sky's fall arrest systems, eye bolting ML and LM or equivalent from the Ladder Hierarchy.
Via dormer Sky SAT procedures as trained with roped access techniques in use.
Other means ( give details below ) Specify minimum control measures required.
Additions to or variations from standard control measures. Any other relevant information- Please specify clearly.
Which (if any) ladders are to be used? Select all required. NOTE: All PPE and ladder hierarchy should be used as minimum control measure.
8 rung ladder
Single section
Double section
Triple section
DAT roof ladder
Extended DAT roof ladder (CAT extensions)
Combi ladder
If LM or ML cannot be used, state what alternative is to be used. An eyebolt or other attachment point must be used for all dish installs and all service work.
If anchor points are needed for Roped Access are they:
Existing and Fixed ( and in date and granted permission to use?)
Temporary - e.g. 20mm eyebolt (primary & back up?)
Part of the building structure- Checked and verified by both Engineers?
On-site identified hazards.
Can the following Hazards identified be removed. If hazard is not present select N/A
Adverse weather
Third parties
Existing equipment
Garden Hazards
Ground Hazards
Any other Hazard ( give details below)
Additional Hazard information
Can Hazards be controlled or minimised?
If Hazards cannot be controlled or minimised then they must be escalated (give details below)
Method Statement.
A clear and detailed method for carrying out the work must be recorded here before the work commences. Items to be covered include site details, pre job preparation, roof type (flat/sloping(give apps angles)); rescue considerations (if standard rescue techniques say so, otherwise specify in detail). The method statement should have sufficient detail to allow another SAT team to understand how they would carry out the work. Add photos/draw diagrams as necessary to illustrate.
Add media
Both engineers must sign before work commences.
SAT Engineer 1
SAT Engineer 2
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Ensuring Safety at Height with a Rope Access Risk Assessment Form

Performing work at height using ropes requires careful planning and execution to ensure the safety of workers. One of the essential tools for achieving this is a Rope Access Risk Assessment Form. This document helps identify potential hazards associated with the work and the steps required to mitigate them.

A Rope Access Risk Assessment Form typically includes a description of the work to be performed, the location of the job site, and the personnel involved. It then outlines the potential hazards, such as falling objects, rope failure, or adverse weather conditions, and the measures that need to be taken to control the risks.

By completing a Rope Access Risk Assessment Form, organizations can ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. It is an essential tool for promoting safety at height and protecting the health and well-being of workers.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.