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Maintain security with a server room audit checklist

A server room audit checklist is a set of guidelines to ensure the security, efficiency and reliability of a server room. It includes items such as verifying the physical security of the room, checking the fire suppression system, inspecting the cooling system, and ensuring that all hardware and software is up-to-date. Regular audits help to identify and address any potential issues, helping to keep the server room and its contents safe and secure.

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Where "NO" is answered to a question, you will be presented with an additional field where further comments can be made in addition to the ability to attach an image related to the issue.
Physical Security
There are no external windows
External windows are a potential security threat. These should be protected from human entry and damage from debris during a cyclone that would enable rain to enter the room.
Are all windows fitted with Cyclone/security screens
Are all doors solid core construction
Was the door closed and locked on arrival
Does the server room door have a clearly visible sign indicated that access is restricted to authorised persons only
Is there a form of controlled entry to the server room, such as card reader.
Have the audit or access control lists been checked for unauthorised persons having access to the room. Indicate any persons with access that should not have.
Only authorised persons had access to the server room
Is the server monitored by CCTV
CCTV located where
Only access to room is through secured room/building
Does the building have 24 hour security
Building Facilities
Does the server room have backup power
What is the run time of the generator
When was the generator last tested
Does the server room have a UPS installed
Record Brand, serial number etc
UPS run time
Date UPS last tested
Are there any issues
Does server room have adequate air conditioning
Is there a fire suppression system
Is the suppression system gas or water based
Date system last tested
Does the room have adequate fire and environment monitoring in place
Date last tested
Is server room on ground floor of building
Is the server floor higher than the floor outside of room
There is potential for water from fire sprinklers, localised flooding or cyclone/rain to enter the room to enter the server room. Servers should be on raised platform or room should have a sump drainage system.
Is electrical and electronic equipment on raised pedestals
Is the telephone extension in the room
What is the telephone number.
Is the server room free of fire hazard materials such as cardboard boxes and paper
ICT Infrastructure
Racks should be secured to ensure they cannot be knocked over. Are the racks secured against mild seismic activity
Is adequate cabinet security enforced.
All servers have front and rear doors fitted
Server doors closed and locked
Is there sufficient space between racks and walls to enable doors to be opened and work to be undertaken
What percentage of the racks capacity is currently being utilized, in precent
Is there space for additional cabinets
Is the cabling organised and clearly labelled
Are the servers secured by passwords and not open for unauthorised persons to access them
Are the servers clearly labelled
List the servers present
Disaster Recovery
Is there an up to date list of ICT contacts in the server room
Are Backup tapes stored in the server room
Are the tapes stored in a fire proof safe
Is the backup tape safe closed and locked
Overall Assessment
Overall assessment of the rooms physical security where 0 is poor and 10 is excellent
Overall assessment of the rooms physical facilities where 0 is poor and 10 is excellent
Overall assessment of the ICT infrastructure where 0 is poor and 10 is excellent
Additional Comments
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Ensure security and reliability of a server room with a server room audit checklist.

A server room audit checklist is a useful tool for ensuring that your server room is kept in a safe and secure condition. It covers all aspects of a server room, from the physical environment to the software and hardware. It should include a detailed inventory of all servers, as well as any other equipment, such as cooling and power systems. Additionally, the checklist should include testing of the environment, such as temperature, humidity and noise levels. Security measures should also be included, such as server and network access, intrusion detection and prevention, and backup and recovery procedures. Finally, the checklist should include regular maintenance, such as cleaning and monitoring all equipment. By following this checklist, you can ensure your server room is well-maintained and secure.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.