Site Information
Site Name
Wind Speed
Turbine Number
Inspector Name
Access Points
Are access roads in good condition and free from obstructions?
Are access steps in good condition and free from obstructions?
Is access door in good condition and free from obstructions?
External of Tower
Is the paint work in good condition?
Is everything correctly sealed?
Turbine Operation
Does the turbine operation sound correct?
Is the turbine operating correctly?
Is the transformer housing in good condition?
Are all areas free of leakage and smells?
Is the transformer room secured from general access?
Is the SF6 gauge within the green area?
Are cables correctly laid?
Is there any sign of damage or stress to the cables?
Do lights and emergency lights work?
Are the tower cables correctly secured?
Are bolt connections in good condition?
Does the generator run smoothly?
Generator Status
Are all electronics in good condition?
Is the CJC flow equal to 5mm or greater?
Is the Cooling System in good working order?
Is the cooling fan motor in a serviceable condition?
Are the rotor brakes in good condition and free from leaks?
Are the rotor locks in good condition and free from leaks?
Is Blade A/1 in good condition?
Are all cortex generators intact?
Are all Stall Strips intact?
Is Blade B/2 in good condition?
Are all cortex generators intact?
Are all Stall Strips intact?
Is Blade C/3 in good condition?
Are all cortex generators intact?
Are all Stall Strips intact?
Sign Off
Has the turbine been returned to service?
Is the turbine operating correctly?
Has control been notified of return to operation?
Inspector Signature