What is an ISO 9001 audit?
An ISO 9001 audit is performed to see if your organization complies with ISO 9001 standards for quality management systems (QMS). The ISO 9001 audit checks to make sure your QMS is performing well and is adhering to regulations. In contrast with national audits or standards, ISO is international, which means it is recognized by businesses around the globe.
What does an ISO 9001 audit check?
An ISO 9001 audit will evaluate the seven areas of any quality management system to make sure they align with standards. Those seven areas are:
- Customer focus, or how well you tend to what your customer is expecting.
- Leadership, as in the leaders in your organization.
- Engagement of people, or how well-motivated and enthusiastic your employees are
- Process approach, or the project culture in your organization.
- Improvement: are you constantly looking for ways to make your quality management system better?
- Evidence-based decision making. Are you using data or facts or analyses to make choices?
- Relationship management, meaning your relationship with suppliers, customers, business partners, and anyone else involved in your business.
ISO 9001 audits are rigorous, with over 350 requirements for businesses. But all the criteria are very clearly stated on the ISO website, so it is easy for your business to know what it needs to do.
Who benefits from ISO 9001 audits?
Any business with a product benefits from conducting and passing ISO 9001 audits. The standard shows potential business partners that you are running an efficient, reliable company, and thus can help you attract more business. Additionally, meeting ISO 9001 criteria will improve your business regardless of any certifications you obtain.