Does the DC ensure that facility design and infrastructure are maintained according to GMP requirement and supported by a robust housekeeping and pest control program?
Are product storage and conditions managed effectively to minimize impact on product quality?
Does the DC ensure that an inventory management system that conforms to company requirements is fully implemented?
Is a product traceability program in place and repacked products are handled according to company requirements?
Are lift truck safe practices in place and safety requirements are followed?
Does the DC ensure that storage racks are undamaged and are designed and constructed to securely hold the intended load?
Does the DC ensure that a process in place for safe loading and unloading of product and materials as per company requirements?
Does the DC ensure that traffic routes are well developed and managed with pedestrian – vehicle risk minimized?
Is adequate fire protection in place and facility has a viable emergency response program?
Are Flammable Materials and Waste management practices are in place?