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Disaster Preparedness – Business Checklist

Disaster can strike at any time. It gives little to no warning and can wreak havoc on your surroundings. This can cost thousands, even millions of dollars depending on damages, and if it affects your business, it can even cost you your livelihood. These disasters are usually out of the business’ control, either natural or caused by group disruption. Whichever type of disaster may strike, however, if your business takes the proper steps toward preparation, these setbacks can be maneuvered and repaired quickly without doing extreme harm to your business, or anybody within it. Preparation, along with Lumiform’s free resources like the Risk Management App will have you feeling more secure that your business won’t take any unexpected or avoidable hits because you, along with the assistance of Lumiform, covered all of your bases and protected your workplace.

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What Type(s) Of Potential Threat(s) Are There To The Workplace?
Flooding/Water damage?
Severe weather/Natural disasters?
Contagious disease outbreak?
Hazardous chemical exposure?
Radioactive/Nuclear hazards?
Labour/Safety of work issues?
Security breaches?
Other? Please explain in the provided text box:
Workplace Emergency Response Plan
Do you have an emergency response plan in place?
Are works encouraged to stay home if they are sick?
Does your workplace have or offer a health and safety program?
Is there an emergency evacuation plan in place?
Do you regularly practice this plan/have a mandatory drill schedule in effect for your team?
Is there a first-aid kit readily available to all staff?
Are there always personnel/employees on site who are first-aid certified/trained?
Is counselling offered to staff and/or their family if something traumatic happens in their workplace to promote mental health?
Does your company encourage and offer flu vaccination clinics annually?
Critical Aspects Of The Business
Have you prioritized which functions are absolutely mandatory for the continuation of your business?
Are there identified key connections which your business needs to survive (shipping services, technology support, supply of product, etc.)?
Does your business' insurance policy have interruption coverage?
Are there provisions in place for the safety and security of your employee's families to be ensured?
If something were to happen to your main facility, does your business have another option/alternative site so business could be resumed immediately?
Are fire code regulations frequently reviewed by your business, and equipment tested in case of emergency?
Are your business' insurance policies regularly updated?
Are hand (or other necessary) hygiene stations readily available to all staff?
Are high-touch areas, break areas, washrooms, and any other necessary rooms disinfected multiple times a day/as needed to avoid illness?
Do you run routine maintenance checks, and service air filtration systems, plumbing, and any other necessary servicing as needed?
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.