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Fuel Audit Template

Use this fuel template to regularly check fuel storage and refuelling. You can make this checklist your fuel log and use it to manage fuel costs, report and calculate International Fuel Tax Association (IFTA) tax, improve driving habits and prevent fuel theft or loss.

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Audit Performed
1 - Does the vendor maintain the VLSM in current revision?
2 - Are vendor personnel properly trained and are training records maintained on file and available for review?
3 - Does the vendor's file reflect the current designated trainer?
4 - Are all required checks being accomplished on fuel storage facility?
5 - Are all required checks being accomplished on re-fuelers?
6 - Are all filter elements replaced in accordance with acceptable standards?
7 - Are meter calibration records current for storage facility and re-fuelers?
8 - Are milipore records current for storage facility and re-fuelers?
9 - Are required tank inspection and cleaning records current?
10 - Does the vendor have a procedure for notifying Trans States Airlines when new, additional, replacement or modified equipment is placed into service?
11 - Have any waivers been issues in the last twelve months? (If yes, obtain a copy)
12 - Do the vendor's records indicate when equipment is out of service?
13 - When equipment is returned to service, are the proper checks completed?
14 - Trans States Airlines has evaluated contractor's forms found acceptable in lieu of forms found in the Trans States Airlines - Vendor Line Service Manual.
15 - Does the vendor have a roster showing name, initials, and employment number if used when signing off on paperwork?
16 - Are hose certifications current?
17 - Is the master pressure gauge calibration current?
18 - Does the vendor maintain cathodic protection inspection records? (For underground storage and hydrant systems only)
19 - Does the vendor maintain fuel receipt bill of lading, and is it properly documented?
Storage Facility and Loading Dock
Storage Tank Sampling (tank #, last cleaned, last inspected)
Filter Sampling (Vessel ID, last filter change)
1 - Is the general appearance of storage facility clean and neat?
2 - Is the are free of evidence of fuel leaks?
3 - Perform the White Bucket Test on sump drains on jet fuel tanks. Are the results acceptable? NOTE: The White Bucket Test MUST be done with a white bucket. A Steel bucket will not show the true color of the fuel. A blue, green, or red color indicates that it is AVGAS and not Jet fuel.
4 - Perform the White Bucket Test on filter jet fuel vessel sump drains. Are the results acceptable? NOTE: The White Bucket Test MUST be done with a white bucket. A Steel bucket will not show the true color of the fuel. A blue, green, or red color indicates that it is AVGAS and not Jet fuel.
5 - Are all valves and switches clearly marked and kept free of obstructions?
6 - Are No Smoking, Flammable, Emergency Shutoff, and product identification signs prominently displayed?
7 - Is filter vessel placarded to indicate month and year of last filter change?
8 - Are hoses, swivels, and nozzles in good, operational condition?
9 - Are grounding reels, cables and clamps in place and in good, operational condition?
10 - Are fire extinguishers present, inspection tags current, seals in place and fire extinguishers properly charged?
11 - Are pressure gauges checked and replaced if defective?
A) Are pressure gauges calibrated annually?
12 - Is all fueling equipment properly identified, and are required placards, instructions, signs, etc. in place and legible?
13 - Are filter/separators equipped with all required equipment, meet API specifications?
Re-Fueler Sampling (truck #, truck type, capacity, filter type, date filter change, date of last annual)
1 - Are re-fuelers in good condition?
A) Is re-fueler free of any evidence of fuel leaks?
B) Are windows free of crack and crazing?
C) Are hoses, swivels, and nozzles in place and in good, operational condition?
D) Are swivel retention devices equipped with at least two levels of redundancy, such as collar lock rings and collar retention screws secured by safety wire?
E) Are grounding reels, cables, and clamps in place and in good, operational condition?
F) Are hose/dust covers installed?
G) Are required fire extinguishers present, inspection tags current, seals in place and properly charged?
H) Deadman Control System (Check for evidence of blocking)
I) Safety Interlock System (Verify Function)
J) Pressure Control Systems (Verify Upper Limit)
K) Fueling Pressure Gauge
L) Emergency Shut-Off System (Properly identified with method of Operation)
M) Manual Shut-Off System
N) Nozzle Screens
O) Calibrated Product Meter (Verify seal is intact)
2 - Check for the following signs and placards:
A) Product identification on each side and rear
B) "FLAMMABLE" on each side and rear
C) "NO SMOKING" on two sides and in cab of vehicle
D) "EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT-OFF" by each shut-off control
E) External signs for enclosed fire extinguishers
F) Placard identifying nozzle fueling pressure
G) Placard identifying filter DPI
H) Placards identifying filter tank drains
I) Placard showing last date (Month/Year) filter was changed or single element test was performed
J) Placards identifying location of brake interlock override switch, and correct type of breakaway wire
K) Confined space entry placards at entry points into tanker storage manways
3 - Do filter/separators or fuel monitors meet current API specifications and have all required equipment?
4 - Perform White Bucket Test on each tank compartment.
A) Are results acceptable?
B) Number of sumps taken to achieve acceptable sample.
5 - Perform White Bucket Test on filter vessel sump.
A) Are results acceptable? NOTE: The White Bucket Test MUST be done with a white bucket. A Steel bucket will not show the true color of the fuel. A blue, green, or red color indicates that it is AVGAS and not Jet fuel.
Sign Off
Representative Signature
I certify the questions, as stated above, we're satisfied at the time of the inspection, unless otherwise noted.
Auditor's Signature
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Fuel Template Audit: Streamlining Efficiency and Cutting Costs

In a bid to enhance operational efficiency and minimize expenses, companies or individuals can conduct a comprehensive fuel template audit. This meticulous evaluation aimed to optimize fuel consumption, mitigate wastage, and identify areas for cost-saving measures. The audit assessed fuel utilization and analyzed key variables such as vehicle efficiency, driver behaviour, and fuel procurement processes.

Through careful analysis and data-driven insights, you can unveil actionable recommendations for enhancing fuel economy, reducing carbon footprint, and streamlining operations. By implementing these recommendations, you will be able to achieve significant cost savings, enhance sustainability efforts, and ensure a seamless fuel management system, marking another milestone in its commitment to efficiency and responsible resource utilization.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.
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