Internal ISM Ship Audit Template
Internal ISM Ship Audit Template
Audit scope ISM Internal
Internal ISM Ship Audit Template
Audit scope ISM Internal
- Maintenance templates
- Templates for business processes
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0. General information
General information
Ship's name
Date of audit
Date of report
Persons interviewed (name + function)
Referenced documents/publications
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1. Documentation - bridge
1.1 Internal publications
(MM-1.2, section
Are ISM Manuals up to date? Also check other Company issued Manuals, such as Emergency Manuals, SOPEP, SSP, etc.
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1.2 External publications (SM-LoP)
Check the List of Publications with actual publications available on board.
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1.3 Emergency arrangements (Emergency Manual, memo 004/11, MM-1.4, section
Check if Emergency Manual is available and up to date.
Is a list of Harbour Emergency contacts available? Is a list of office contacts with DPA/CSO posted?
Is an actual Emergency Response Plan available (if engaged in a survey project)
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1.4 Company policies (MM-1.3)
Policies, enlisted to be posted in a public place, such as messroom, hallway, etc.
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1.5 Vessel's certificates (MM-4.3, deck folder 1)
Check if certificates are not overdue. If overdue, check if office is informed.
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1.6 Job descriptions
Are job descriptions available to all crew and is the crew aware of this?
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2. Communication
2.1 Working language (MM-1.5, SM-10.1)
Confirm that the working language is English.
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2.2 Revision and Memo letters (SM-10.1, section 10.1.2)
Check the Revision Manual for latest Revision or memo letters and signatures.
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3. Purchasing
3.1 Purchasing procedures (MM-1.6, deck folder 5)
Are order forms correctly filled in and filed? Are completed orders closed as required?
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4. Incident reporting and evaluation
4.1 Previous audits and NC's (Deck folder 11, section 3 and 4)
Are previous NC's from internal audits closed properly?
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4.2 Incident reporting (MM-1.7, section 1.7.3)
Are incidents promptly reported to the office/DPA? Check if incident reports are correctly filed as required and that preventive measures are taken.
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4.3 Master reviews (MM-1.7, section
Are Master reviews available (annual requirement) and Management review as well?
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5. Port operations
5.1 Vessel entry (SM-1.1)
Is the gangway safe to enter and secured? Is a protective net available?
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5.2 Ship's journal in port (SM-1.1)
Are relevant entries made in the Ship's Journal during port calls?
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5.3 Mooring toolbox talks (SM-1.2)
Are toolbox talk notes available prior to mooring/unmooring operations?
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5.4 Bunkering (SM-1.4)
Are bunkering operations executed in accordance with regulations?
Check for toolbox talk notes, bunker delivery notes, bunkering safety checklists, etc.
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5.5 Fuel MSDS (SM-1.4)
Check if an MSDS is received and filed with bunker delivery note. Verify that this is done for every bunkering.
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5.6 MARPOL sampling program (SM-1.4)
Verify that MARPOL samples are taken en stored as appropriate on board for at least 12 months.
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5.7 Inventory listings (SM-1.5)
Verify that Inventory lists are available and up to date.
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6. Deck operations
6.1 Survey procedures (SM-2.1, section 2.1.2)
Verify that relevant survey procedures are available on board to the marine crew. These procedures are issued by the survey Company.
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6.2 Deck equipment (SM-2.2)
Verify that equipment on deck is certified for use and that the Master has access to or copies of relevant certificates.
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6.3 Lifting equipment (SM-2.3)
Verify on board that lifting gear is color coded, that lifting instructions are posted near cranes.
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7. Bridge operations
7.1 Bridge equipment (SM-4.2, section 4.2.1)
Verify that bridge equipment is in good working order?
Magnetic compass, deviation card available?
Echosounder, date/time recorded?
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7.2 Voyage planning (SM-4.2, section 4.2.2, SM-1.3)
Verify that Voyage planning is executed in accordance with applicable procedures. Review previous plannings and departure/arrival checklists. Verify that physical structuren are not used as waypoints.
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7.3 Information cards (SM-4.2, section 4.2.3)
Verify that manoeuvring characteristics are available on the bridge.
Check that a Pilot card is available. This may be a laminated copy form the Bridge Procedures Guide with all relevant data from the ship.
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7.4 Watch schedules (SM-4.2, section 4.2.4)
Check that the Master has drafted a Watch schedule. This schedule to invulde bridge Personnel, Engine room personnel and look outs for dark hours. The schedule should be posted in a public arena and signed by the Master.
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7.5 Master's Standing Orders (SM-4.2, section 4.2.5)
Verify that the Master has issued his own Standing Orders and that these are signed by the current Bridge team members. Check that the Standing Orders don't conflict with Company Regulations.
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7.6 Chart correction (SM-4.2, section 4.2.10, NP294)
Verify that charts in use are updated. Check that relevant charts are available.
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7.7 Toolbox talk anchoring (SM-4.4, section 4.4.1)
Look for records of toolbox talkshow prior to anchoring operations (if any).
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7.8 Logbooks and documentation (SM-4.5)
Check journals, night order books, radio logs, etc. for relevant entries.
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7.9 500 meter zone entries (SM-4.6, SM-4.6-f1)
Verify that 500 meter zone entries are in accordance with procedures. Checklists to be reviews for correct use.
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7.10 Stability (SM-6.1)
Verify that stability calculations are made before departure and during a voyage.
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8. Engine room operations
8.1 Engine room work instructions (SM-5.1, section 5.1.1)
Check for relevant work instructions to be available in the engine room. Verify if engine room personnel is familiar with these instructions.
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8.2 Chief Engineer Standing Orders
Check if the Chief Engineer has issued Standing Orders for the engine room. NOTE: this is not a requirement within the SMS!
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8.3 Engine room logbooks (SM-5.2)
Are logbooks correctly filled in:
- ER logbook
- Oil Record Book (entry instructions available in front, focus to internal transferring of oil)
- CFK Logbook (See SM-5.4 for specific requirements)
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9. Environmental protection
9.1 SOPEP materials (SOPEP, SM-7.1)
Check if the list of minimum SOPEP material in the SOPEP Manual is available on board.
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9.2 SOPEP drills and exercises (SM-7.1, SM-9.2)
Check that SOPEP drills are carried out at least every thee months
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9.3 Garbage segregation (Garbage Management Manual)
Check that garbage is collected separately. All ships to have colored bins on board.
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9.4 Discharge records (Garbage Management Manual)
Verify that Garbage record sheets are kept as appropriate on a monthly basis (last version to include latest MARPOL requirements from 2013)
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10. Enrolment on board
10.1 Crew familiarization (SM-9.1, section 9.1.2)
Check if familiarization upon arrival is done, in accordance with procedures. Verify that familiarization checklists are kept in a confidential way on board.
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10.2 Handovers (SM-9.1, section 9.1.3 to 9.1.7)
Verify that handovers are available for:
- Masters, Chief Engineers, Chief Officers and 2nd Engineers, Cooks, 2nd Officers, Electricians (mandatory)
- Oilers, bosuns, Steward (recommandeer, not mandatory)
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11. Drills, exercises and on board training
11.1 Drills execution and documentation (SM-9.2, drill matrix, deck folder 12)
Verify whether drills are conducted in accordance with the drill matrix and if drills are documented and filed in accordance with procedures.
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11.2 Findings from drills
Are findings from drills adressed properly or documented as NC /Observation?
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11.3 On board training (SM-9.2, section 9.2.3)
Verify that on board training is undertaken and recorded.
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12. Hours of rest
Hours of rest
Verify that hours of rest are recorded monthly and comply with the STCW Code, Part A, Chapter VIII, Fitness for duty.
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13. Safety Committee on board
13.1 Appointment Safety Committee / Ship Safety Officer (SM-10.2, section 10.2.1)
Has the Master appointed a Safety Committee and a Ship Safety Officer?
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13.2 Follow up safety items (SM-10.2, section 10.2.3)
Are items and findings in Safety Committee reports properly feedbacked and dealt with?
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14. HSE general
14.1 Smoking policy (SM-11.2)
Verify that vessel is smoking free and that dedicated smoking areas are assigned. These areas to be equiped with means of disposal (ashtrays, bins with sand, etc..
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14.2 Permit to Work systems (SM-11.4 to 11.8 + forms)
Verify that PtW forms are used as descriped in the Shipboard Manual. Ensure that risk assessments are part of work permits (otherwise not valid). Also verify that the lock out tag out (LOTO) equipment is on board and in use.
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14.3 Handling of chemicals (SM-11.9)
Ensure that chemicals are separately stored on board. Storage area to be marker as such. Verify who is appointed as responsible person by the Master. Check that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available at store and in hospital (if available). Check if relevant PPE is available at the store (goggles, gloves, etc.).
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14.4 Food handling areas (SM-11.10, section 11.10.5)
Food handling areas (galley's) to be clean and tidy. Colored cutting blades available. Freezers and coolers: temperatures to be recorded on a daily basis.
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14.5 Monthly HSE inspections (SM-11.10, section 11.10.6)
Verify that the Master inspects the vessel in accordance with requirements within Shipboard Manual. Inspections and findings to be noted in ship's log.
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14.6 Water sampling (SM-11.10, section 11.10.7)
Check if the sample was taken within the last four months. Verify whether fresh water activities such as, bunkering, sampling, adding of chemicals, etc. are recorded in a log.
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15. Risk assessment
15.1 Risk assessments (SM-11.11, SM-11.11-F1, deck folder 13)
Verify if risk assessments are made by the crew for day to day jobs, other than work permit related risk assessments.
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This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.