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Job Induction Checklist Template

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Date of commencement
Prior to commencement
Desk and workspace setup
PC setup
S-Drive access
Email setup
SVM / MELLWeb logins
Setup/receive mobile phone
Employment - Day 1
Discuss and explain the employee handbook
Discuss job description
Obtain personal details form
Discuss probation requirements
Discuss confidentiality form
Obtain signed employee letter of employment
Explain the first months training plan
Copy of identifications
Acknowledge acceptance and understanding of the Employee handbook
Received Tax and superannuation forms
Introduction Tour
Introduce to Staff
Tour of office
First aid areas
Fire evacuation plans and meeting points
Local transports / Parking / cafes / shops
In-house systems
Basic Solvermind training
S-Drive and folder locations
Web based program's / Sites
Occupational Health and safety
Explain the procedures
Company Equipment
Received Laptop in good condition
Received mobile phone in good condition
Take picture of employee
Understand Company Mission Statement
I declare that I understand and accept Mariana Shippings terms and conditions and policies
Sign here
Select date
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.