Monthly SCBA Inspection Checklist is a guide to ensure that Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is operating correctly and safely. This checklist includes a visual inspection of the unit, testing of the alarms and gauges, and a functional test of the unit. It is an important tool to ensure SCBA safety and proper operation.
The Monthly SCBA Inspection Checklist is a critical tool for ensuring the safety of firefighters when they enter hazardous environments. This checklist helps to identify and address any issues with the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) before it is used. The checklist covers a range of safety-related topics, including the air cylinder, air supply, air quality, and the face piece. It also includes inspection and maintenance guidelines and provides a means to record any issues that are found. The Monthly SCBA Inspection Checklist helps to ensure the safety of firefighters and provides peace of mind that the SCBA is in good condition before it is used.Maintain scuba equipment with an scba inspection checklist template
Maintain scuba equipment with an scba inspection checklist template
Use this monthly inspection for the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
Maintain scuba equipment with an scba inspection checklist template
Use this monthly inspection for the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
About the Maintain scuba equipment with an scba inspection checklist template
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Cylinder Inspection
Check the cylinder for damage. Is the cylinder in acceptable shape?
Select Cylinder.
Is current Hydro Test date valid?
Select Cylinder.
Does cylinder valve function properly?
Select Cylinder.
Inspection of backpack and harness.
Inspect all straps for damage. Are they in acceptable condition?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Inspect the back pack for any damage or missing parts. Is the pack in acceptable condition?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Inspect all hoses for damage/wear. Are the hoses in good shape?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Functional checks.
Functionally check all of the straps and buckles. Are these moving freely?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Functional check of the face mask. Are all the straps working and is the mask in good condition? Is the nose cup seated properly?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Functional check of the regulator with the face mask? Doe they connect/disconnect easily? Is the regulator cover in good condition?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Functional check of the Emergency Bypass valve. Is this working correctly and freely?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Functional check of the Low Pressure Alarm. Is this working correctly?
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Activate the PASS device. Is this working correctly? Let the PASS device activate on its own to ensure that it is functioning correctly with the escalated alarms.
Select the SCBA number. Make notes as to what the deficiency/issue is below and record in notes exactly which SCBA if there is more than one with an issue. Capture image if possible as well for each.
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Deficiencies. Note any other deficiencies below along with the SCBA number associated with it.
Any additional deficiencies or notes?
Sign below.
Inspection completed by:
Deficiency Repairs:
This portion is to be filled out by the Fire Chief or their designate.
Have all the deficiencies been repaired for all items noted above?
Completed on?
Additional notes or follow up items list below.
Completed by:
This template was downloaded 114 times
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.