Use this internal health and safety template to audit your workplace for noncompliance with OSHA’s regulations. Make sure your employees are safe from asbestos exposure, confined space dangers, and hazardous manual tasks with the help of this checklist.
Occupational Health & Safety Checklist
Occupational Health & Safety Checklist
Use this checklist to conduct an internal health and safety audit, so you can have peace of mind that your employees are shielded from any hazards.
Occupational Health & Safety Checklist
Use this checklist to conduct an internal health and safety audit, so you can have peace of mind that your employees are shielded from any hazards.
About the Occupational Health & Safety Checklist
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General Risk & Workplace Management
Is there a visitors sign in book available?
Is there evidence that this has been completed on a regular basis?
Is there a site induction booklet?
Is there evidence that the induction has been completed?
Are hazard forms available?
Have any hazards been identified on site?
Review corrective action register for specific site to identify:
1. If corrective actions have been completed, review and verify
2. If not completed or overdue, why?
Has the hierarchy of controls been considered when implementing the corrective action?
Are training records current for the person/s working on site? (This information can be obtained from the training coordinator - including their training profile and training status)
Are the work areas clean and orderly?
Are washing facilities provided?
Are the floors clean?
Are walkways and doors clear and free of obstructions
Are there an appropriate number of bins?
Are washrooms and lunch rooms clean?
Are walkways free from trip hazards?
Is drinking water provided?
Are toilets provided?
Is the number adequate for number of staff present?
(1 for every 15 employees) men and women separately
Representation & Participation & Issue resolution
Is the identity of the elected safety representative displayed on the notice board?
Is there a safety representative for the group?
Has the HSR received the necessary training within 3 months of their appointment?
Is there an issue resolution process?
Is the process displayed?
First Aid
Is there a first aid kit provided?
Is it appropriate for the nature of the work being carried out?
Does it have a contents list?
Does the list of contents match what is in the kit?
Has the kit been serviced. Please note date of last service.
Are all items within date?
Is the location appropriately signed?
Are emergency numbers located on the kit or near the kit?
Are first aid officers names displayed?
Emergency Plans
Is there a current emergency evacuation plan displayed?
Is it located in appropriate positions?
Is the assembly area signed and appropriately positioned?
Are fire wardens names displayed?
Are emergency drills practiced and is there records that demonstrates that they have occurred?
Are exit signs marked and working correctly?
Is PPE being worn?
Are workers aware of the process to replace PPE?
Is it appropriate for the task.
Are there adequate stores of PPE on site? (Clean and easily accessible)
Is adequate stores of PPE is required to be used?
Is there records of monthly checks for SCBA?
Have yearly checks been conducted? (Note the date)
Remote or Isolated work
Is there a process for remote or isolated work?
Is it displayed and know by employees?
Is there adequate communication devices to use if working remotely or in isolation to raise the alarm (ie PLBs, mobile phone,2-way radios, landlines
Managing risks from airborne contaminants & hazardous atmospheres
Is health monitoring conducted for asbestos?
Is health monitoring conducted for Flouride?
Are gas monitors available?
Have they been bump tested as per requirement?
Have they been calibrated? (Records must be produced to verify)
Is calibration gas in date?
Are the monitors included on the register?
Do persons have current training in atmospheric monitoring?
Storage of Flammable or combustible substances
Gas cylinders are restrained?
Note: Record the stored quantities and verify if they exceed the placard or manifest quantity (schedule 11 of OHS REGS 2011)
Are they stored in appropriately? (I.e. storage cupboard, segregated and restrained)
Are flashback arresters installed on both ends (hose and torch )
Have flashback arresters have a current test sticker?
Falling objects and Falls
Items stored or being used at height are adequately secured to prevent falling?
are barriers or other restraints provided to prevent objects falling?
Is there a safe means of raising and lowering objects?
Are there exclusion zones for persons are prohibited from entering when raising and lowering objects?
Has fall from height been identified in safe job planning documents?
Do employees on site have current competency in working at heights?
Edge protection is installed and good condition where a person is at risk of falling from one level to another?
There is a safe access and egress to work areas?
are compliance plates for static safety equipment I.e. static lines, fixed David points?
All ladder stiles to extend 1 m above top level of tank?
All ladders providing access to tanks and similar structures are to be fitted with a ladder guard/shroud/cover as risk assessed by a qualified person to prevent unauthorized access?
Extension or single ladders may be used as a means of access to or egress from work area, however, this is the least preferred option for access to heights and requires that the ladder is lashed tat the top and anchored at the base.
For mobile scaffolding above 4 mt a basic scaffolding ticket is required ?
Exclusion zone in place for public safety?
Are persons tethered within the exclusion zone?
Are grid mesh sections securely in place with mesh clips (check of sections lifting or loose.)
Note check load bars of grid mesh are running the correct way?
Are noise areas signed?
If there are noise area have employees and audio metric testing?
Has testing been completed within 3 months of person commencing work?
Has the testing been completed within the last two years?
Is the hearing protection adequate for the noise levels?
Has a noise survey been conducted?
Is hearing protection available?
Is hearing protection being used in signed areas?
Hazardous Manual Tasks
Have hazardous manual tasks for the site been identified and assessed?
Have the hazardous manual tasks been assessed based on
A) postures, movements, forces and vibration relating to the hazardous manual task; and
B) the duration frequency of the hazardous manual task; and
C) workplace environmental conditions that may affect the hazardous manual task or the worker performing it;and
D) the design of the works area; and
E) the layout of the workplace ; and
F) the systems of work used ; and
G) the nature, size, weight or number of persons, animals or things involved in carrying ou the hazardous manual task.
Confined spaces
Is there a process for managing confined spaces?
Are confined space permit books available.
Have all fields on the permit been completed correctly?
Have persons involved in the entry have current training?
Is there a SWMS for confined space entry?
Has it been reviewed within the last 2 years?
Are scue procedures documented for the CSE?
Are these procedures appropriate for the size and nature of work being carried out?
Have the rescue procedures been rehearsed prior to entry?
Has the location of the CSE been considered in the panning if entry, ie Is it near a road, near mains, overhead power?
Have all confined spaces been identified?
are they included in the site register?
Are all confined spaces appropriately signed?
Does tripod have current service stickers/tag?
Does harnesses have current service sticker/tag
Do lanyards have current service sticker/tag
Do rope kits have current service sticker/tag?
Is all equipment included on a register?
High risk work
Does the person hold the relevant qualification for high risk work? (Boom type EWP> 11 mt, scaffolding, dogging, forklift, rigging, cranes etc)
Is license on site a available to be viewed?
General Electrical Safety in Workplaces & Energized Electrical Work
Portable electrical items have current test tags attached and in date?
No broken sockets or plugs and switches?
No frayed or defective leads?
Switch boards locked?
RCDs have been tested by competent person on a yearly basis?
Records of RCDs are able to be verified?
Register of portable electrical equipment exists?
Any defective equipment is tagged out appropriately
No cables presenting trip hazard?
Extension leads are not used as primary method of connecting major/permanent equipment?
Is portable electrical equipment attached to RCD when being used?
No work being undertaken with O/head or U/ground electric lines?
General Duties for plant and structures
Is guarding appropriate and in place and prevents access to hazards?
Is guarding interlocked or permanently attached?
Are emergency stops and warning devices identified and working?
Are emergency stop button "red" in color?
Are operational control clearly identified, and labeled correctly and working?
Appropriate hazard warning signs are installed?
A controls located or guarded to prevent unintentional activation?
Is there a process for isolate of the plant?
Is there any documentation to prove a Person is deemed competent in the plants operation ?
Is there an a operators manual for the price of plant?
Is there documented maintenance plan for the plant?
Is there evidence that this maintenance has been completed as per the schedule?
Does the powered plant have roll over protection installed?
Are seat belts installed on the powered mobile plant?
Does the mobile plant have working flashing lights?
Does the powered mobile plant have reversing beepers in place?
Are pre start logbooks completed for all powered mobile plant?
Has the powered mobile plant been serviced in accordance with the manufacturers requirements? (Contact fleet coordinator to obtain records)
Are lifting attachments appropriate for the load being lifted?
Are compliance plates attached, and has current inspection tag?
Is the work box registered in WHS QLD?
Does the work box have a current inspection tag?
Is all plant that is required to be registered, registered? (Check schedule 5 in WHS regs 2011)
Construction work
Is the construction site secured to,prevent unauthorized access? Consider proximity to schools, shopping areas etc
Is there SWMS for all high risk construction activities?
Has the principle contractor received copies of SWMS from the contractor?
Has the SWMS been reviewed?
Has dial before you dig information been obtained prior to commencing excavation?
If the excavation greater than 1.5 mt is appropriate benching, battering or shoring in place?
Are controls in place to prevent a person falling into the excavation?
Are three controls in place to prevent an object from falling into the excavation?
Does atmospheric monitoring need to be conducted while working in the excavation?
The principle contractor for a construction site must ensure that signs are installed, that
Show the principle contractors name and telephone contact number ( including an after hours telephone number)
Show the location of the ate office for the project, if any; and,
Are clearly visible from outside the workplace, or the work area of the workplace where the construction project is being undertaken.
Has the principle contractor for the contact urchin project (Does it include the following?
The names , positions and health and safety responsibilities of all persons at the workplace whose position or roles involves specific health responsibilities for the project;
What arrangements are in place for consular, cooperation, cooperation and the coordination of activities,
How safety incidents are managed
Any site speeds health and safety's rules and how people are informed.
How SWMS are collected, assessed, monitoring and reviewed.
How does the PC ensure each person before start is made aware of:
The content if the WHS management oaks for the workplace, and
The persons right to bespectacled the WHS management plan under regulation 313.
How does the PC manage,
The storage, movement and disposal of construction materials and waste at the workplace ,
Traffic in the vicinity of the workplace that may be affected by construction work carried out in connection with the construction project,
Essential services at the workplace.
A PCBU may not direct or allow a worker to carry out construction work unless,
The worker has successfully completed general construction induction training,
If the worker completed the training more than 2 years previously - the worker has carried out construct works in the preceding 2 years.
PCBU must ensure that:
A worker holds a general construction induction card; or
If the worker gas zoomed did but bit cyst been issues with a general construction induction card, the worker hold a general construct induction training certification, issued within the preceding 60 days.
Hazardous chemicals
A PCBU must ensure that general construction induction training is provided to a worker engaged by the person who is to carry out construction work, if the worker
Has not successfully completed general construction induction training,
Successfully console red general construct buxton ordaining nice rub 2 years previously and has not carried out construction work in the pretending 2 years.
Are substances correctly labeled? (Product name, safety phrases )
Are SDS located in a location close to where the hazardous substance is stored?
Have employees received training to use and handle hazardous substances?
Is appropriate PPE provided and suitable for handling hazardous substances?
Is there a safety shower in the vicinity where the hazardous substances are ,located?
Are safety showers regularly inspected and maintained?
Are pipes that hold hazardous substances correctly labeled to identify the substances they hold?
Is there' a hazardous substance register?
Has the register been viewed in the past 12 mths?
Does the quantity of hazardous substance held on site exceed the allowable limit as per schedule 11 WHS regulations 2011?
Is the manifest available and up to date?
Is the location a dangerous goods location?
If so is the notice displayed?
Has the regulator been notified?
A placards in place (only required if location is a dangerous goods location)
Does the placarding comply with the requirements of schedule 13 of WHS regulations 2011?
Are hazardous substances stored correctly - comparability with other substances?
Is the storage facility appropriate? (Bunding, signage, labeling,guarding, away from ignition sources)
Is there a process in place to advise employees of any changes to SDS from suppliers or changes in product?
Is signage appropriately located?
Located next to the hazard
Clearly visible to a person approaching the hazard. In this regulation, safety signage does not include placarding.
Is there a process for when a spill does happen?
Is it readily accessible and understood by all relevant staff?
Is there a spill kit available?
Has the spill kit been maintained?
Is there a contents list?
Is there a list of emergency contact numbers in case of a spill?
Is there appropriate fire fighting equipment located on site?
Is the equipment appropriate for the chemicals it is intended to be used against?
Does the equipment have a current inspection tag attached?
Is there an emergency plan for hazardous substances that exceed the quantities outlined in schedule 11?
Do bulk storage tanks and associated pipework have suppers to prevent damage and movement?
Is there health monitoring for fluoride?
Are health monitoring records maintained and kept on personnel files (30 years)?
Is there a process for using handling storing decanting hazardous substances?
Is there an exposure register for all employees?
Are employees on the site contained on the register?
If ACM or Asbestos has been identified, is there a label or sign showing its location?
Is there an asbestos register?
Has the register been reviewed in the last 12 months?
The register must:
Record the asbestos or ACM identified at the workplace under regulation 422, or likely to be present at the workplace from time to them including:
The date on which the asbestos or ACM was identified, and
The location, type and condition of the asbestos or ACM or,
State that no asbestos or ACM is identified at the workplace if the person knows that no asbestos or ACM is identified, or is likely to be present from time to time at the workplace.
Is the register easily accessible and located on site?
Is there an asbestos management plan?
Has the plan been reviewed in the last 12 months?
Is there a process for working with or around ACM or Asbestos?
How are employees made aware of this process?
Is there a process for reporting incidents or emergencies involving asbestos or ACM?
Is the health monitoring for persons involved in the removal of asbestos?
Are employees informed of any health monitoring requirements before work being carried out?
Does the monitoring include:
consideration of,
The workers demographic, medical and occupational history; and
Records if the workers personal exposure,
A physical examination of the worker,
Unless other type of health monitoring is recommended by a registered health practitioner
Is there an exposure register for all employees?
Have health records been kept and maintained in a personnel file?
Are training records maintained and kept for 5 years after the worker has left their position?
Are correct process being followed when working its asbestos?
High pressure water spray
Compressed air
Power tools
Any other implement that causes the release of airborne asbestos into the atmosphere
The equipment is enclosed during its use,
The equipment is designed to capture or suppress airborne asbestos and is used in accordance with its design , or
The equipment is used in a way that is designed to capture or suppress airborne asbestos safely, or
Any combination of the above lines.
Do persons involved in the removal of asbestos have current and relevant qualifications?
Is a supervisor available or contactable during the task when removing asbestos?
Is there a formal process in place to advise persons that removal work involving asbestos is to be carried out in the workplace or premises?
Is correct signage displayed when removal work is being carried out? Is there barricading?
Is there a process for disposal of asbestos or ACM that has been removed?
Is PPE provided adequate for the task of removing asbestos or ACM?
Is PPE sealed in a container before being removed from the waste area?
Is the PPE laundered? Is it decontaminated before being removed from the area?
Is the removal site an authorized disposal area?
Is equipment used in the removal process decontaminated or sealed in container before removing from site?
Has the area been inspected and given clearance to verify that the work area is clear and free from asbestos by an independent person?
If it is not practical for the asbestos assessor or competent person to be independent, the person or licensed asbestos removalist may apply to the regulators for an exemption under part 11.2 from the requirement that the assessor or competent person be independent.
Is theremamprocess to determine if and where ACM or Asbestos is present in the workplace?
Incident Notification
Is there a process for notification of incidents?
(If a notify able incident has happened must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable that the site is not disturbed until an inspector arrives at the site or any other tune that an inspector directs)
Control and Prevention of Fire
Is there a procedure for managing hot work ie, grinding, welding, any other spark/heat generating process?
Have wardens been nominated?
Have they been trained?
Are their names displayed in prominent positions within the workplace?
Are emergency exits clear and free from obstructions and allow easy egress?
Has the emergency alarm panel been serviced?
Is there an emergency evacuation plan developed for the site?
Have people been trained in the plan?
Is the plan current?
Is there an emergency evacuation plan for the site?
does it contain the following:
allowable number of occupants for the building,
maintenance schedule for the fire safety installations
the excavation plan for evacuating the buildings occupants, including occupants with an intellectual or physical disability, in the event of a fire in the building.
training programs for occupants and person employed in the building about
Fire management
Emergency evacuations
A list of building prescribed fire safety installations, together with the brand name and model number of each installation, if applicable
The fire safety management plan must have attached to it or be accompanied by a copy of the building plans, in reasonable scale, identifying the location of the buildings prescribed fire safety installations.
No emergency exits must have anything within 2 mts of the outside exit?
How is the alarm raised?
Is there an evacuation diagram?
Is it marked in red " you are here "
Does the evacuation plan include the following,
Name and address of the building?
Name and address, keep hone number of the owner?
Evacuation coordination procedures?
Instructions on how to evacuate?
Method for operating fire fighting equipment and manually operated fire alarms.
Has the company appointed a fire safety advisor?
Is their name displayed?
Has the fire and evacuation plan been reviewed within the last 12 months?
Was the review documented?
Are evacuation signs installed and working?
Has first response fire evacuation training (FRET) been conducted within the last 2 years?
Has FRET training been supplied within 1 month of commencement of employment?
Has first response training been delivered by an RTO or fire safety advisor for the building?
Rare records kept of evacuation drills ( both real and practice)
Are records kept of maintenance of prescribed fire installations?
Are fire breaks maintained? (Internal and external 1.5 x height of tallest tree or 20 mt which ever is the greatest)
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This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.