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Pipeline Corrosion Inspection Form

A Pipeline Corrosion Inspection Form is used to record information about the condition of a pipeline. It captures data about the condition of the pipeline coating, corrosion rate, and other factors related to the integrity of the pipeline.

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Pipeline Corrosion Inspection Checklist
Are whip checks installed on hoses?
Is protection in place to prevent blast media from entering valves, pipe, fittings and appurtenances
Is the coating on steel pipe sufficiently ductile to resist cracking?
Are all materials handled and stored as per Manufacturer specifications?
Are materials not expired per Manufacturer expiry date(s)?
Are all containers for coating material in good condition and not damaged in any way?
Are all required x-rays completed before applying protective coatings?
Are all jeep equipment settings appropriate for different thicknesses of coating?
Are all coating defects marked, repaired, and pipe sections re-jeeped before lowering-in pipe?
Is the general housekeeping of coating related debris (e.g., gloves, brushes, rollers, containers, overspray) done?
Cathodic Protection
Have key issues been identified, detailed, and addressed?
Are considerations for locating cathodic protection test stations integrated (such as the use of existing facilities (e.g., valve or scraper trap locations) and ease of accessibility (e.g., valve or scraper trap locations)?
Is there sufficient communication to facilitate that requirements of the crossing agreement are met in a safe and efficient manner?
Are cathodic test stations near existing roads for ease of accessibility during subsequent periodic testing in locations specified on project drawings?
Are existing rectifiers to be shut down in areas where existing pipe maintenance programs are underway?
Are test leads backfilled carefully to avoid breaking wire-to-pipe connections and burying the lead wires before connections to the junction boxes are completed?
Are both ends of the conduit leading up to the junction box reamed out to remove any burrs that may cause a short in test lead wires?
Are test leads tested electrically after backfill to confirm that wire-to-pipe connections have not been broken?
Are test stations installed as close to pipeline crossings as possible?
Are CP readings are taken by pipe-to-soil reading if the coating has been damaged?
Sign off
Additional Observations
Inspector Name & Signature
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A Pipeline Corrosion Inspection Form is a checklist used to identify areas of corrosion on a pipeline. It is used to assess the condition of a pipeline and identify any areas of corrosion or damage that may need to be addressed. The form typically contains a series of questions used to evaluate the pipeline’s overall condition and the presence of corrosion. A completed form provides valuable information to pipeline owners and operators in order to ensure the safe, secure operation of their pipelines.
Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.