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Restaurant Operational Report Template

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Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?
Are aisles free of boxes or clutter?
Are electrical panels accessible and properly labeled?
Are doors and latches working properly?
Are products or supplies properly stored? (Light items on top, arranged to avoid toppling.)
Is shelving in good condition?
Are combustibles kept away from heat sources? (Heating unit, hot water tank, electrical boxes, etc.)
Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?
Are ladders in good condition and properly stored?
Are chemicals separated from foodstuffs?
Is trash compactor in good repair?
Is first aid kit adequately stocked and accessible?
Are lights working properly?
Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?
Are highchairs, tables and seating in good condition?
Are floor mats in good condition? (Lay flat, smooth edges)
Is product display equipment in good repair? (½ gallon cases, shelving, cooler doors, etc.)
Are exit signs illuminated?
Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?
Are fixtures in restrooms in good condition?
Are lights working properly?
Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?
Are aisles free of clutter?
Are drain screens being cleaned regularly?
Are doors and latches working properly?
Is food preparation and storage equipment in good repair?
Is grill and fryer exhaust system clean and in good repair?
Has extinguishing system been inspected and serviced within last 6 months? (Check tags)
Have portable fire extinguishers been inspected and serviced within last year? (Check tag and gauge.)
Are combustibles kept away from heat sources? (Ovens, grill, fryer, toaster,etc.)
Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?
Are lights working properly?
Do employees demonstrate a team approach in preventing accidents?
Are spills or dropped items cleaned up promptly?
Are “Wet Floor” warning signs displayed when needed?
Are employees wearing proper footwear?
Are floors thoroughly cleaned at closing?
Are employees instructed in proper lifting techniques?
Do employees “practice” proper lifting techniques?
Are employees instructed in the proper use of slicers?
Are all cleaning supplies properly labeled?
Do employees know where Material Safety Data Sheets are kept?
Do employees practice safe ladder usage?
Do employees use mechanical hand when changing marquee?
Have all maintenance issues been reported as required?
Signature of Inspector
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.