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Security Checklist Review Template

Downloaded 113 times
Security officer of the company
Store Audit
Was visitors ID requested on arrival?
Was the sign in process followed?
Shop Tour
During building tour were all access points secured and reinforced where appropriate?
Did the store have a security shutter?
Are till points appropriately positioned to provide screen / customer privacy?
Are all cupboards on the shop floor containing stock locked?
Was the store generally tidy and free of misplaced paperwork?
POS Terminals
What type of security tethering was in place for demo devices?
Was there any unsecured stock at the till point?
Were any terminals found to be logged in and unattended
Was the safe locked on arrival?
Was the safe left open at all during the visit.
Have the cash bags in the safe been countersigned?
Was the banking book filled in correctly?
How is the code managed and distributed?
Who has keys to the store?
Who has keys to the cage?
Who has keys to the shop front stock cupboards?
How are the keys managed and stored?
Was the cage left open during the visit?
Was the cage locked on arrival?
Are the CCTV cameras positioned to cover entry points, the back office door and all high value stock?
Is the CCTV recording system active and capturing 28 days worth of data?
Is the picture resolution of a good quality?
Back office
Was the back office door closed on arrival?
Was the back office door propped open at all during the visit?
Was the back office door fitted with a combination lock?
When was the code last changed?
Is the back office door glass obscured from the shop floor?
Data Security
Was customer information found unsecured at till points?
Was any sensitive information found in the archive boxes?
Is the archiving policy being adhered too?
Was any payment card data found in the archiving boxes?
Information base
Do the team know how to report a physical security incident?
Do the team know how to report an information security incident?
Did the store have a working shredder?
Was there any equipment in use not provided by Vodafone, an example would be a laptop being used for Blackberry backups?
Overall comments and actions for Store Manager
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
Sign Off
Auditor's signature
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.