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Waste Management Compliance Audit Template

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1.0 Waste collection point set-up
1.1 Is a waste collection point set up and maintained?
1.2 Is the waste collection point barricaded?
1.3 Are there containers available for each type of waste generated on the project?
1.4 Are the waste containers labeled with the type of wastes generated on the project?
1.5 Is a hazardous waste container available?
1.6 Is the hazardous waste container properly labeled as per local environmental regulation?
1.7 Is spill and leak prevention available for hazardous waste (bundled area, drip tray)?
1.8 Are there trash bins with lid available on site?
1.9 Are there trash bins with lid available in rest shelters and dining facilities?
2.0 Waste segregation and disposal
2.1 Is the waste segregated as per waste classification and available containers?
2.2 Is the waste disposed regularly as per project requirements?
2.3 Are the wastes being picked up by approved and authorized waste transporter?
2.4 Is the hazardous waste properly segregated and temporarily stored?
3.0 Waste water and effluents
3.1 Is waste water properly collected in septic tanks?
3.2 Are the septic tanks solidly build as per project requirements?
3.3 Is the waste water disposed daily by an authorized transporter?
3.4 Are other effluents properly collected and disposed?
4.0 Leadership and commitment
4.1 Does the section/department head show commitment towards the company's waste management policy?
4.2 Does the section/department head/supervisor educate his workforce regarding company's waste management policy?
5.0 Training and awareness
5.1 Are regular environmental/waste management tool-box talks held in the audited area/section?
5.2 Is regular waste management/environmental training provided to the section/department?
5.3 Is waste segregation and environmental protection promoted by means of posters, banners, signs, bulletins or lessons learned?
6.0 Spill response
6.1 Is a reasonable spill response kit available in the audited section/department?
6.2 Is the work force of the section trained in the use of the spill kit and also the response procedure?
6.3 Does the work force know how to properly dispose contaminated soil?
7.0 Documentation and records
7.1 Is the company's environmental/waste management policy prominently displayed in the work area/job site?
7.2 Are disposal certificates/manifests (hazardous, general and waste water) obtained from the waste transporter?
8.0 Proposed Corrective Actions
Section 1.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
Section 2.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
Section 3.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
Section 4.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
Section 5.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
Section 6.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
Section 7.0
Responsible Person/Task Owner
9.0 Executive Summary / Conclusion
9.1 Strengths:
9.2 Weaknesses:
10.0 Verification and Acknowledgement
Section Supervisor / Head / Audetee
Auditor / HSE Manager
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.