Lumiform Auditorías móviles & inspecciones
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App de inspección de montacargas

Permita a su equipo completar, de forma independiente, las inspecciones y comprobaciones en cualquier momento. A través de su smartphone o tableta, sin papeles, ni informes manuales, puede controlar fácilmente todas las próximas inspecciones de seguridad y mantenimiento, así como las averías más frecuentes. Mejore el funcionamiento de su maquinaria con una App para montacargas.
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Versiones de prueba lanzadas en los últimos 30 días

Empresas líderes de todos los sectores confían en Lumiform

Beneficios clave

Lumiform le da acceso a una amplia selección de listas de inspección de montacargas listas para usar: Desde inspecciones diarias hasta comprobaciones de salida. Pero no todas las empresas son iguales. Por defecto, los formularios incluyen una lista general de elementos de inspección. Pero con el flexible creador de formularios, tiene total flexibilidad para añadir, eliminar y editar los elementos de inspección que mejor se adapten a la empresa. Cree plantillas de verificación en varios idiomas si el español no es la lengua materna de los operarios. Actualice sus formularios en cualquier momento y cree versiones individuales para diferentes modelos de maquinaria.

Como supervisor, puede ver todo el historial de inspecciones e informes, incluidas todas las fotos y los comentarios añadidos por el operario. Los informes de análisis detallados le muestran los datos históricos, ordenados por unidad u operador, para identificar las tendencias relevantes. Incluso puede obtener datos sobre las causas más comunes de las averías y utilizar esa información para mejorar su flota de carretillas. Al poder informar de los problemas de forma inmediata desde la App, también puede ver cuánto tiempo tardan realmente en resolverse las averías. Al realizar inspecciones estandarizadas puede identificar los riesgos más rápidamente y reducir los accidentes.

Puede asignar las inspecciones de montacargas a los operarios y a cualquier número de departamentos y ubicaciones. También puede programarlas y recibir notificaciones sobre las inspecciones no realizadas. De este modo, podrá gestionar mejor los diferentes intervalos para, por ejemplo, las comprobaciones de seguridad antes de empezar a trabajar y las inspecciones de mantenimiento. En el panel de control, puede filtrar las inspecciones y los resultados de los informes por ubicación y departamento, o verlos para toda la empresa. Además, puede personalizar las notificaciones para que le avisen cuando se produzca algún tipo de evento o error específico.

Adelántese con plantillas listas para usar

Características principales
1. Crea formularios personalizados en pocos minutos

Elige entre más de 12.000 plantillas listas para usar, o crea tus propios y potentes formularios en un instante.

Realice inspecciones de forma eficiente a través de la intuitiva aplicación de inspección Lumiform. Esté donde esté, en línea o fuera de línea.

Formula observaciones, asigna acciones correctivas directamente a tus colegas y haz seguimiento de todo el proceso de resolución de problemas.

Comparta sus informes de inspección generados automáticamente directamente con todas las partes interesadas mientras analiza a fondo todos los datos.

Trabaja en colaboración en las acciones mientras registras las operaciones.

Programa y asigna las inspecciones para que se realicen de forma fiable y a tiempo.

Las notificaciones push, los correos electrónicos o los SMS recuerdan a tu equipo las inspecciones que hay que hacer.

Añade comentarios de texto y fotos durante una inspección.

Utiliza lógicas para guiar a tu equipo a través de cada inspección de forma estandarizada.

Personaliza tus informes para que se ajusten exactamente a tus necesidades.

Activa y asigna acciones automáticamente en función de la respuesta de un inspector.

Implica a socios externos en la resolución de la acción sin coste adicional.

Conecte Lumiform vía API a sus sistemas existentes.

What Is a Forklift Inspection App?

A forklift isnpection app is a software solution for the forklift industry that allows employees to conduct comprehensive forklift inspections. It also executes safety checks on their respective equipment in real time from any location using their smartphone or tablet.

A forklift inspection app also allows companies to perform inspections in an efficient way without having to rely on paper-based forms. With an app, you no longer have to enter information manually into a database after each inspection has been completed.

The benefit of this is that it takes less time and provides an accurate record of which items need to be fixed. This way, any safety issues are addressed before they turn into more serious hazards down the line.

What Is an Automated Forklift Inspection App?

An automated forklift inspection app ensures that the forklift operator follows all the safety checks correctly and consistently. It ensures that they don’t miss any critical inspection protocol to avoid work accidents.

The automated app keeps the operator on task, too, recording everything happening on the forklift during their shift and helps them perform their job more safely and efficiently.

Not only that, a forklift inspection app is an excellent way to increase efficiency and productivity. By having a forklift checklist, you will find that it not only reduces the chance of error but also helps to cut down on the time taken when carrying out various tasks.

What Are The Benefits Of Using a Forklift Checklist App?

  • Safety – The first benefit is that it helps operators avoid the sheer number of hazards encountered when using forklifts. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, forklift truck accidents have reached as high as 85 fatalities and 34,900 serious injuries per year.
  • Efficiency and Growth – According to research conducted by Gallup, 52% of American workers are not engaged with their workplace and are not committed to their jobs. The research also found that 87% of the companies that experienced a decrease in profits over the last year had high employee turnover.

    A solution for improving your business’ bottom line is to ensure that all employees are safe at work and happy at home. One way to create an environment that supports both safety and overall employee engagement is by automating your forklift safety checklists.

    By implementing an automated forklift checklist app for your forklift drivers, you can create standardized procedures that ensure each driver follows the same steps when conducting his or her daily duties.

  • Fastest Onboarding – Using a forklift checklist app can also be especially important if you’re new to the business and aren’t yet used to all the different aspects of operating a forklift. An app can make creating a checklist fast, simple, and easy, ensuring that you don’t miss anything when trying to remember everything.

    Even better, incorporating an automated system into your daily operations will help improve your company’s bottom line as well as boost employee morale.

What’s The Best Forklift Inspection App?

The best free forklift inspection apps are those that give you a range of features that cover all variables. They must also be easy to use, and have a responsive support team available to fix any issues.
Price is a major factor if you’re going for a paid app. Look for a paid app that provides the most value at the lowest cost.

The best forklift inspection apps will also allow you to record inspections and store them securely on the cloud so that you can reference them at any time.

With a good paid or free forklift app, you’ll be able to see who last inspected the equipment along with a detailed report of everything they checked and how they rated it.

Here are other important features you should look for in your forklift inspection app:

  • The ability to add photos of the forklift and its parts
  • A way of recording and reporting mechanical issues to the forklift’s owner
  • An option for photo verification, so that others can confirm that the photos are being taken at the same time and place as the inspection itself
  • Easy access to service manuals and other information about how to keep a forklift in good condition and safe to use

How Often Should You Check a Forklift?

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that employees should check their equipment before each use.

It should be added that allowing someone untrained to check the forklift may feel like you’re saving time, but you’re actually putting yourself in danger if that person doesn’t know what he or she is doing. The minutes saved by not doing things by the book can quickly turn into hours when you pay for damage caused by malfunctioning equipment.

A checklist for forklift operators, therefore, should be done by a trained professional and must be comprehensive. They must cover items like oil levels, tire pressure, overall condition of tires, seat belt checks, brake system checks, and any other controls used while operating the machine.

Fortunately, Lumiform gives you an extremely powerful and surprisingly simple all-in-one forklift management solution that helps you avoid costly and unplanned forklift repairs all year round.

Lumiform replaces the bulky, misplaced, and disorganized logbook that you currently use, so your employees can track hours in real-time, cut down on errors caused by manual data entry, and stay up to date with maintenance schedules, inspections, and more.

Here are some of the other cost-efficient benefits that users can enjoy from Lumiform:

  1. Unlimited Customization

    Lumiform allows users to create an unlimited amount of customized, industry-specific checklists so operators can easily customize them for the unique needs of their particular warehouse or industrial setting, according to IATA, ISPM15 or other industry standards.

  2. Most Comprehensive Inspections

    Lumiform can monitor all aspects of the forklift’s operations, from alerting drivers if they exceed speed limits, and measuring actual running time utilization to monitoring battery power and fuel consumption. By tracking all this information, Lumiform can identify safety issues, fully automate reports and address concerning trends and inefficiencies.

  3. Real-time Updates

    You’ll never miss an important repair service again with Lumiform’s automated reminders and notifications. Notifications go out when it’s time to schedule new services and when it’s time for scheduled repairs to be completed.

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