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Software de control de plagas

Diga adiós a los programas de control en papel que tanto tiempo consumen. Conozca aquí la importancia de utilizar el mejor software de control de plagas del momento, podrá reducir costes y aumentar productividad de cualquier negocio eficientemente.
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Beneficios clave

Las empresas no pueden permitirse perder un tiempo valioso resolviendo problemas menores de infestación de plagas. Un software de control de plagas aborda esta cuestión permitiendo que todos los funcionarios implicados resuelvan los problemas de control rápidamente con el uso de funciones de colaboración rápida. Con las funciones adecuadas, habrá menos errores en la empresa o falta de atención, lo que hará que se desperdicien menos recursos en aspectos como la introducción manual de datos y la doble comprobación.

Al tener una visión general de lo que sucede en distintas localizaciones, puedes gestionar mejor las distintas tareas. Además, el programa de control de plagas de Lumiform te permite analizar el historial de todos los datos, incluso las inspecciones que se acaban de completar. También puedes ver las tareas pendientes y completadas. De esta forma, trabajas con la información actualizada al minuto y puedes optimizar los procesos basándote en las tendencias y patrones de tus procesos internos.

El software de control de plagas ha supuesto un gran cambio en el sector de la gestión de la calidad y la seguridad. Por un lado, ha simplificado y mejorado el modo en que las empresas gestionan la salud de sus empleados, reducen los gastos generales y mejoran la eficiencia. De hecho, el software de control de plagas puede incluso automatizar todas las tareas de documentación, desde la toma de fotografías de las plagas hasta el registro de muestras de las zonas en las que se han detectado plagas.

Adelántese con plantillas listas para usar

Características principales
1. Crea formularios personalizados en pocos minutos

Elige entre más de 12.000 plantillas listas para usar, o crea tus propios y potentes formularios en un instante.

Realice inspecciones de forma eficiente a través de la intuitiva aplicación de inspección Lumiform. Esté donde esté, en línea o fuera de línea.

Formula observaciones, asigna acciones correctivas directamente a tus colegas y haz seguimiento de todo el proceso de resolución de problemas.

Comparta sus informes de inspección generados automáticamente directamente con todas las partes interesadas mientras analiza a fondo todos los datos.

Trabaja en colaboración en las acciones mientras registras las operaciones.

Programa y asigna las inspecciones para que se realicen de forma fiable y a tiempo.

Las notificaciones push, los correos electrónicos o los SMS recuerdan a tu equipo las inspecciones que hay que hacer.

Añade comentarios de texto y fotos durante una inspección.

Utiliza lógicas para guiar a tu equipo a través de cada inspección de forma estandarizada.

Personaliza tus informes para que se ajusten exactamente a tus necesidades.

Activa y asigna acciones automáticamente en función de la respuesta de un inspector.

Implica a socios externos en la resolución de la acción sin coste adicional.

Conecte Lumiform vía API a sus sistemas existentes.

What Is Pest Control Software?

Pest Control Software is a business management software for pest control companies that helps them manage administrative tasks and customer data in one place, providing them with the tools to manage their business efficiently.

A pest control software is a necessity in the industry because it makes the process of pest control faster and cheaper across public spaces, including commercial buildings, residential and agricultural areas for both large and small pest control companies.

Why Use The Best Pest Control Software?

In the past, exterminators have used paper records to track their work, but with more than 30% of pest control companies using software tools, this method is becoming obsolete due to the amount of time required to log and manage data.

Using a pest control business software, therefore, allows exterminators to also track all the details of their work in one place. A quality mobile pest control software can also help you to automate many of the routine tasks associated with running your pest control business, increasing efficiency and freeing up time for other important tasks.

In addition to tracking information about each job, exterminators can also use this kind of mobile pest control software to share information with other professionals in the industry —like engineers or designers —to determine which types of treatments will be most effective.

What Software Do Pest Control Companies Use?

The pest control industry continues to grow, and there’s never been a better time to get involved. The reason behind this is that technology has made all workflow processes faster and more accurate. Exterminators used to have no choice but to rely on pen and paper —and their own memories —to organize their day-to-day operations. The result was a chaotic mishmash of scribbles on notepads that made it almost impossible to keep track of anything. Everything changed when the pest control software was introduced into production firms.

According to Forbes, there are many different types of pest control business software that can be used by companies to help with their operations.

In fact, most of them have a subscription-based pricing structure and some also have a one-time purchase price structure.

Indeed, pest control software has completely transformed the industry. Studies even show that 70% of pest control companies are using it today. As a result, it’s now easier than ever before to streamline your business operations and stay on top of your operations.

Pest control companies are always using the most modern software to keep their business running smoothly. The tools they use range from database systems to a fully integrated cloud-based solution. Perhaps the most important feature of these pest control database systems is the ability to track all chemicals used in a facility.

This is essential to ensuring that there are no harmful interactions between chemicals and that customers are not exposed to anything that might be unsafe for them. pest control business software also allows for the creation and tracking of any number of reports, including chemical usage, call volume, service estimates, invoices, and more.

What Features Do I Look For in The Best Pest Control App?

Now that you know what to look for in a pest control app, let’s go over some of the features that should be included in the best affordable options that companies should pick today.

The most important feature to look for in a pest control app is automation. A good software will automate routine tasks, freeing your time up so that you can focus on other areas of your business. Additional features include:

Job scheduling, route planning and tracking

If you have multiple employees or subcontractors, this feature allows them to create their own schedules with ease. It will also allow customers who are looking for service to schedule appointments online themselves without having to call in or wait days for a response from someone on your team.

Invoicing and payments

The best pest control scheduling app makes it easy for you to invoice clients directly from within the program; then they’re able access their invoices online or on their phone (if they’ve been given access). You can then use this information for reporting purposes as well as payment processing.

What are The Benefits of Using Pest Control Software?

Maximizing the use of pest control software depends on understanding its benefits. We’ve established above how a pest control scheduling app can have a profound impact on your business’ success, but its benefits don’t end there.

By using a high-quality pest control program instead of paper forms and spreadsheets, your company can also gain increased visibility into where you have coverage gaps in the service area. You’ll also be able to make changes to the schedule more quickly, which will enable you to make adjustments when sudden weather changes or other issues affect the business operations.

A company’s mobile pest control software also comes at an affordable price but you can already avoid the stress of manually logging all data. You can even schedule appointments with just the click of a button and never have to worry about any of the work associated with calling customers or knocking on their door.

Data collected can include: a number of treatments performed, dates of treatments, services provided (like bed bug removal), types of pests, locations where pests were found, photographs of problem areas, and personal notes for each customer.

If you’re running a pest control business, your best pest control software will also help you and your exterminators create a customized plan of action by identifying the pest, its location, and its relative risk to human health. The software features a database that can be used for record-keeping that protects both people and the environment from pests that cause costly risks if not controlled before they escalate.

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