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5 whys analysis template

The 5 Whys Analysis is a common method to find out the root cause of a problem.  This template can help sales or marketing teams to efficiently distinguish a 3 – legged root cause: how the mistake was made, why the problem was not identified before and why the likelihood for failure existed. In the end, you can complete this checklist with your digital signature.
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5 Whys Analysis
Specific Problem
First Why: how was the defect produced?
Second Why?:
Third Why?:
Fourth Why?:
Fifth Why?:
How can you solve the root cause of that particular problem?
Detection Failure
First Why: Why was the problem not identified?
Second Why?:
Third Why?:
Fourth Why?:
Fifth Why?:
How can you solve the root cause of the detection failure?
Systematic Failure
First Why: Why did a likelihood exist for failure?
Second Why?:
Third Why?:
Fourth Why?:
Fifth Why?:
How can you solve the root cause of the systematic failure?
Further suggestions:
Name and signature of team leader:
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.
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