Cleaning Inspection for Office Buildings
Cleaning Inspection for Office Buildings
This template is used by cleaning companies to evaluate the quality of cleaning at regular intervals together with the customer.
Cleaning Inspection for Office Buildings
This template is used by cleaning companies to evaluate the quality of cleaning at regular intervals together with the customer.
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Preview of the template
Exterior and Entry Areas
Dumpster areas and exterior trash / ash receptacles litter free and clean?
Exterior Entry area, thresholds, vestibule flooring and walk off mats clean and presentable?
Glass doors clean?
Carpeting clean and in acceptable condition?
Hard floors clean, free of water mopping spots?
Vertical surfaces, corners, baseboards clean and free of cobwebs?
Lobby Furniture / tables / security desk / files clean, free from smudges and toe marks?
Low and high Dusting acceptable?
Rate area cleanliness on a scale of 1 - 10
Restrooms Toilet Amenities
Sinks, drains, dispensers, and counters clean -
Including chrome fixtures?
Check box if counters have permanent stains or water damage and are ready for replacement
Under counter drain piping free from excessive dust?
Mirrors clean?
Paper towels, Soap, seat covers, sanitary napkins, and Toilet paper stocked?
Check box if it appears we are not getting 100% usage
Partitions clean and graffiti free and other Vertical wall surfaces clean (including grout if applicable)?
Floors clean and presentable (including grout)?
Toilet fixtures and shower clean inside and out, shut off valves clean and leak free, and dispenser surfaces clean?
Air Vents and registers clean and free from dust?
Bins - liners in place, surfaces clean and presentable?
Check box if receptacle capacity seems insufficient
Floor drains clean and odor free?
Rate restroom area cleanliness on a scale of 1 - 10
Corridors / stairs / elevators
Flooring condition acceptable?
Doors, Handrails, drinking fountains, etc... wiped down and clean?
Baseboards, corners, vertical surfaces clean?
High and vent dusting in good condition?
Any damage noticed due to janitorial carts or staff?
Elevator doors, floor track, handrails, buttons, lights and ceiling vents clean and polished as needed?
Water fountains clean and polished?
Kitchens and Canteen
Are food prep area counters and floors clean and presentable?
Are kitchen exhaust hoods grease free and clean?
Dish machine area acceptable?
All floors clean - open areas, around, and under equipment?
Vertical walls clean, free of grease and dust?
Ceilings and vents clean and dust free?
Are microwave s up yo hygiene standards?
Rate kitchen area cleanliness on a scale of 1 - 10
Dining or Seating area Table tops / counters clean?
Equipment and appliances provided for Employees clean inside and out? (coffee makers / vending / ice / ovens / microwaves / refrigerators / etc.)
Coffee station area clean? (Counters, sinks, flooring, etc...)
Vending area clean? Including top and underneath machines?
Any other comments?
General Office Areas
Furniture / cabinets / window ledges / horizontal surfaces dust free (or acceptable)?
Edges, Baseboards, corners, and vertical surfaces clean?
Equipment (PC's, Copiers, Fire extinguishers, etc...) being dusted sufficiently?
Bins being emptied per schedule and liner bags clean and dry?
Conference / Meeting room areas clean? (Table fingerprints or marks, white boards, wall switches, floor/ chairs/furniture)
Carpet - cubicle and office areas acceptable?
Carpet - traffic lanes acceptable?
Hard floors clean, with adequate sealer/wax?
High and vent dusting in good condition?
Vacant areas cleaned and prepped for new occupants?
Restricted or Secured office areas
Furniture / cabinets / window ledges / horizontal surfaces dust free (or acceptable)?
Edges, Baseboards, corners, and vertical surfaces clean?
Equipment (PC's, Copiers, Fire extinguishers, etc...) being dusted sufficiently?
Trash cans being emptied per schedule and liner bags clean and dry?
Conference / Meeting room areas clean? (Table fingerprints or marks, white boards, wall switches, floor/ chairs/furniture)
Carpet - cubicle and office areas acceptable?
Carpet - traffic lanes acceptable?
Hard floors clean, with adequate sealer/wax?
High and vent dusting in good condition?
Other areas
Senior Management Offices
Board room or Executive meeting areas clean? (Table fingerprints or marks, white boards, wall switches, floor/ chairs/furniture, catering areas)
Furniture / cabinets / window ledges / horizontal surfaces dust free (or acceptable)?
Edges, Baseboards, corners, and vertical surfaces clean?
Equipment (PC's, Copiers, Fire extinguishers, etc...) being dusted sufficiently?
Trash cans being emptied per schedule and liner bags clean and dry?
Carpet - cubicle and office areas acceptable?
High, Vertical surfaces, and vent dusting in good condition?
Cleaning Storage Area
Loading dock/delivery areas clean and free of food/trash/clutter?
Storage areas, mop sinks, supplies, and equipment clean and in good repair- all being properly stored?
Equipment has grounded plugs and cords in good condition? Minimal use of extension cords?
Hazard labels and warnings on chemical containers- proper concentration / dispensing of chemicals?
Staff appearance and uniforms in use and presentable
Authorization signatures
Facilities Representative signature
Representative Signature
This template was downloaded 2 times
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.