Ensure a secure and compliant construction site with our expert contractor safety inspections. Prioritize the well-being of your team and project integrity through thorough assessments and proactive measures. Trust us to build a foundation of safety for your construction success.
Construction contractor safety inspection
Construction contractor safety inspection
Site Safety paperwork. Prioritize the well-being of your team and project integrity through thorough assessments and proactive measures. Trust us to build a foundation of safety for your construction success.
Construction contractor safety inspection
Site Safety paperwork. Prioritize the well-being of your team and project integrity through thorough assessments and proactive measures. Trust us to build a foundation of safety for your construction success.
About the Construction contractor safety inspection
- Maintenance templates
- Safety templates
- Workplace safety templates
Preview of the template
Inspection Summary
Overall score for this inspection
Site Safety paperwork
Risk Assessments & Method Statements
Is the Safe System of Work implemented and adhered to on site?
Staff Competence
Behavioural Safety
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Work Planning
Is the company H&S Policy available on site for all to reference?
Do we have Liability Insurance in place and in date?
Do site staff have access to the CPHSP for the project?
Is there adequate supervision on site for the works undertaken?
Have Supervisor's Safety Inspections been undertaken and recorded?
Have Contracts Manager's Safety Inspections been undertaken and recorded?
Have the works been suitably planned and supervised?
Are Method Statements relevant to the works being done on site?
Have briefing sheets been signed by all those working on site for the tasks they are undertaking?
Have co-ordination meetings been undertaken with 3rd parties to ensure a SSOW?
Have DAB/NABs been undertaken by those supervising the works, and are they relevant to today's works?
Is there evidence of adequate training in place for the tasks being undertaken?
Is additional training required?
Is there a training matrix onsite?
Is there evidence of relevant TBT's being undertaken by the supervisor?
Is there evidence that all staff have had PC and Contractor inductions?
Are welfare and toilet facilities well maintained and suitable?
First Aid
Is there a suitable number of first aid kits on site and are they maintained?
Are there sufficient first aiders on site?
Is there an up to date accident book on site?
Is ground, water and air pollution adequately controlled and assessed?
Have dust and noise been controlled in the working environment by us and by 3rd parties creating the hazard?
Special Waste Controls
Is there a relevant SWMP available for this site?
Are records from Waste carriers been kept?
Are records of Waste carriers' licences being kept onsite?
Is waste adequately recycled and segregated on site?
Confined Space Works
Are confined space works properly planned and undertaken by competent staff?
Are excavations properly designed, barriered off, shored up and inspected weekly?
Fire Safety
Is there a Fire RA and Fire Safety Plan available on site?
Are there adequate fire points with fire extinguishers relevant to the materials on site?
Is there sufficient fire exit signage visible on site?
Are Hot Works permits in place where required?
Are flammable materials, gases and other hazardous materials stored correctly on site?
Is there evidence of emergency lighting being tested?
Lifting operations
Are all lifting operations planned and supervised by competent staff?
Is the lifting plan relevant to the works undertaken, and does it define limitations, key competence and SWL's?
Is there inspection records available on site for all lifting equipment and accessories?
Are all competency cards and certificates for statutory inspections available for inspection and relevant to the task?
Working at Height
Has a Work at Height assessment been carried out by a competent person?
Is all WAH supervised by a competent person?
Is there evidence of Schedule 7 inspections being undertaken and recorded for WAH equipment used?
Are ground conditions suitable for the equipment used?
Is there safe means of access/egress to the location/workface?
Are SWL's displayed where relevant?
Is there adequate protection of 3rd parties below?
Is there adequate prevention of materials etc falling?
Are all access/egress routes adequately maintained and safe with clear safety signs and lighting?
Traffic Management
Is traffic management planned and supervised?
Is access to high risk areas managed, with vehicle movements controlled by a Banksman?
Occupational Health
Has manual handling been adequately assessed and are mechanical means used where possible?
Has HAV and Noise been adequately assessed with exposure monitored and recorded?
Has COSHH exposure been adequately assessed and the least hazardous materials been selected for use?
Has health surveillance been undertaken where required and the results recorded?
Demolition and Stripout
Has a demolition plan or appropriate RAMS been created to assess the task?
Have all live services been identified and isolated, and identified to those carrying out the works, with controls put in place?
Has access to the worksite been restricted and barriered off safely with safety signage in place?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Is the correct type and BSEN rating being used for the task, and is it used correctly?
Are respirators/face masks in good condition and being used as required (medical evaluation and fit test)?
Are staff trained in the selection and use of PPE and is spec identified in the RAMS?
Is housekeeping being maintained and supervised to ensure a safe working environment with waste cleared regularly?
Tools and Equipment
Has the most appropriate equipment with the least risk been selected and identified in the RAMS?
Is the equipment in use adequately maintained and inspected prior to use and PAT tested where required?
Are all guards and safety devices in place and working correctly?
Are staff trained in the safe use of the equipment and if required do they hold the relevant training certificates?
Heavy Equipment
Do operators have the relevant CPCS cards and have RAMS been followed?
Hazardous Chemicals / Air Contaminants
Is there a list of hazardous materials used on the project?
Are COSHH Assessments / Material Safety Data Sheets in place and signed?
Are employees familiar with the SSOW for COSHH?
Are proper containers in use with correct labels?
Safe access to work area?
Good housekeeping and material storage?
Barricades / debris protection / warning signs in place?
Eye wash available at suitable locations?
Additional Notes
Any additional comments?
Person responsible for safety on site
Safety Advisor
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.