Construction Progress inspection
Construction Progress inspection
Subdivision Construction Audit 1.7
Construction Progress inspection
Subdivision Construction Audit 1.7
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Have block pegs and TBM's been installed
Have drawings been been approved for construction & issued to contractor
Has contractor submitted TMP, PMP & CEMP to relevant authorities where required.
Has pre-commencement meeting occurred with contractor, BPD and relevant authorities representative on site.
Has the site been fenced to Developer / Authority requirements
Demolition / Stripping status
Bulk Earthworks, Cut / Fill status
Wetland Excavation and clay liner placement
Road Boxing Status
Grading / Topsoiling Status
2.1 Works - Earthworks, Excavation
Are truck / scraper routes around site clearly designated and separate from public access areas.
Is fill being placed in layers and compacted as per specification.
Does clay lining material meet Wetland specification
Are compaction tests being conducted to specified Level by NATA registered tester.
Is ground water being managed in an approved manner.
Ia storm water runoff being managed in an approved manner.
2.2 Safety - Earthworks, Excavation
Does the contractor have utilities / services plans on site.
Does plant and equipment have suitable warning lights and reversing beepers
Are trucks adhering to worksite speed restrictions
Are personnel in the vicinity of operating plant wearing high vis clothing and helmets where required.
2.3 Environmental - Earthworks, Excavation.
Is there provision to minimize dust / mud from leaving the site.
Do stockpiles have adequate silt runoff protection.
Are environmental No Go areas fenced where required.
Are silt traps in place to prevent silt build up in previously installed drainage system.
Does plant / equipment / pumps meet EPA noise requirements for volume, location relative to public and work hours.
Sewer Sub Contractor
Sewer Retic Status
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Pump Station Status
Start Date :
Completion Date :
3.1 Works - Trenching, Pipelaying, Manholes, Backfill
Does the sewer contractor have latest revision construction issue drawings.
Are materials as specified and stored correctly on site
Is there an accredited pipe layer on site.
Are trench widths adequate for pipe size/ type
Is the bedding material & thickness within tolerance and being compacted correctly
Are pipes being installed in accordance with design specification and manufacturers recomendations.
Is welding being carried out by accredited personnel in a sheltered area
Are clearances to other services being maintained as per specification.
Does trench backfill material comply with standard drawings and specifications
Is mechanical compaction being carried out to specification within the support zone and around MH, MS, IS, Hydrants,Valves and Stormwater Pits.
Is compaction testing being carried out but NATA registered tester where required.
Has the concrete been placed and vibrated to specification
Is the surface finish of manhole walls satisfactory.
Are lids / covers as per design and correct rating.
3.2 Safety - Trenching, Pipelaying, Manholes, Backfill
Does the contractor have utilities / services plans on site.
Does plant and equipment have suitable roll over protection, warning lights and reversing beepers
Is a qualified mine manager on site during all excavations
Is ground support suitable for the ground conditions and depth of excavation
Are workers provided with a ladder or other means of access and egress where required.
Are hats and vests being worn by workers where required
Are trenches barricaded and made safe when left open.
Is lifting equipment suitable for the works being carried out.
Are mobile crane wire ropes, slings, shackles, hooks and outrigger pad set up OHS and Code of Practice compliant.
Water Sub Contractor
Water Retic Status
Start Date :
Completion Date :
4.1 Works - Trenching, Pipelaying, Backfill, Surface Fittings
Does the water contractor have latest revision construction issue drawings
Are materials as specified and stored correctly on site.
Is there an accredited pipe layer on site.
Are trench widths adequate for pipe size/ type
Is the bedding material & thickness within tolerance and being compacted correctly
Are pipes being installed in accordance with design specification and manufacturers recomendations.
Are clearances to other services being maintained as per specification.
Does trench backfill material comply with standard drawings and specifications
Are lids / covers as per design and set correctly.
Are thrust restraints being installed as per design where required.
4.2 Safety - Trenching, Pipelaying, Backfill, Surface Fittings
Does the contractor have utilities / services plans on site.
Does plant and equipment have suitable warning lights and reversing beepers
Is ground support suitable for the ground conditions and depth of excavation
Are workers provided with a ladder or other means of access and egress where required.
Are hats and vests being worn by workers where required
Are trenches barricaded and made safe when left open.
Is lifting equipment suitable for the works being carried out.
Drainage Contractor
Drainage Works Status
Electrical Contractor
Electrical / Comms Trenching Status
Electrical Retic Status
Comms Contractor
Comms Status
5.1 Works - Trenching, Pipelaying, Backfill, Surface Fittings
Is the bedding material & thickness within tolerance and being compacted correctly
Are pipes / conduits / pits being installed in accordance with design spec and manufacturers recommendations.
Are clearances to other services being maintained as per specification.
Does trench backfill material and compaction comply with standard drawings and specifications.
Are trench widths adequate for pipe size/ type
Are lids / covers as per design and set correctly.
5.2 Safety - Trenching, Pipelaying, Backfill, Surface Fittings
Does the contractor have utilities / services plans on site.
Does plant and equipment have suitable warning lights and reversing beepers
Is ground support suitable for the ground conditions and depth of excavation
Are workers provided with a ladder or other means of access and egress where required.
Are hats and vests being worn by workers where required
Are trenches barricaded and made safe when left open.
Is lifting equipment suitable for the works being carried out.
Cap rock Status
Conduits / AG Status
Class 3 FCR Status
Class 2 FCR Status
Asphalt Prep - Prime, SAMI Status
Asphalt Status
6.1 Works - Pavement
Are conduits and AG drains at correct depth
Does trench backfill material comply with standard drawings and specifications
Does pavement material comply with plans, standard drawings and specifications.
Is compaction equipment adequate to achieve specified results.
Is crushed rock being placed in layers and compacted as per specification.
Are compaction tests being conducted to specified Level by NATA registered tester.
Is the weather suitable for priming or placing asphalt.
6.2 Safety - Pavement
Does plant and equipment have suitable warning lights and reversing beepers
Are personnel in the vicinity of operating plant wearing high vis clothing and helmets where required.
Are asphalt crews employing appropriate protective equipment.
Kerb and Channel Status
Footpath and Crossover Status
Concrete Laneway / Extended Driveway Status
Roundabout Status
Pattern Paving Status
Retaining Wall Status
Concrete Endwall / Headwall Status
7.1 Works - Concrete
Are weather conditions suitable for placing concrete.
Are access routes for trucks clearly defined
Is boxing depth and crushed rock bedding as per specification
Is form work adequate for the structure being constructed.
Is reinforcing as per specification and installed correctly.
Are retaining wall post holes dia / depth correct.
Are kerb markings for services being installed.
7.2 Safety - Concrete
Are concretors wearing appropriate PPE.
Does plant and equipment have suitable warning lights and reversing beepers
Rock Wall Status
Rock Endwall / Headwall Status
Rock Beaching Status
Retaining Wall Status
Porphrey Stone Paving Status
8.1 Works - Rockwork, Miscellaneous
Are rocks suitable for intended purpose and of appropriate size/ grading.
Are rocks sitting on concrete cushions over pipe ends
Are rocks being placed to specification and grouted as required.
Is reinforcing being installed as per specification.
8.2 Safety - Rockwork, Miscellaneous
Are contractors wearing appropriate PPE.
Are personnel in the vicinity of operating plant wearing high vis clothing and helmets where required.
Does plant and equipment have suitable warning lights and reversing beepers
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This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.