This checklist provides all necessary information to make you’re vessel management high quality and extensive. It features a crew interrogation, safety equipment and much more!
Commercial Vessel Safety and Compliance Audit Template
Commercial Vessel Safety and Compliance Audit Template
Support you’re vessel’s safety and compliance management with this checklist template. It contains all the necessary information and you are able to make a signature at the end.
Commercial Vessel Safety and Compliance Audit Template
Support you’re vessel’s safety and compliance management with this checklist template. It contains all the necessary information and you are able to make a signature at the end.
About the Commercial Vessel Safety and Compliance Audit Template
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Preview of the template
Has the previous audit been reviewed?
Are there any outstanding actions or items?
Are crew qualifications current and appropriate for operation?
Are crew numbers correct for vessel operation?
refer, MSQ, AMSA regulations
Do crew hours fall within STCW95 Standards for fatigue management?
Are crew dressed appropriately?
Footwear appropriate?
PPE supplied, good in condition and used?
Has Drug and Alcohol test been undertaken?
Life rafts stowed properly and in test?
Hydrostatic releases in test?
Carley floats stowed properly and in good condition?
Life ring names intact and correct?
Life ring light / s operating?
Life ring lanyards in good condition?
Fire extinguishers in test?
Life jackets compliant and in good condition?
Fire hoses in test?
Fire hoses reach all areas of the vessel?
Fire pump /s tested and satisfactory?
Fire buckets on board (minimum two if required)?
Fire axe in good condition, sharp and stowed properly?
Fire blanket in galley or cooking area and tested?
Engine room smothering system in test?
All safety equipment stowed properly?
Crew have been trained in the proper use of all safety equipment on board?
Is MOB retrieval device and equipment effective?
Rescue boat maintained and motor run recently?
Safety briefing to passengers done every trip?
Life jackets demonstrated to passengers every trip?
Adequate safety placarding in place?
Muster station signage in place?
All safety signage on vessel adequate and in good condition?
Is signage on emergency shutdowns and controls adequate?
Gangway / boarding steps used at marina?
Flares, V sheet, mirror etc on board and up to date?
Torches on board and working?
First aid kit right category and in test?
EPIRB registered with AMSA and in test?
All machinery in good working order?
All machinery spaces clean?
Fuel shutoffs tested and operating?
Engine room and other machinery space dampers tested and operating?
Lift operating and service records available?
Sewerage treatment plant operating and service records available?
Electrical systems checked and annual certificate issued?
Air conditioner filters serviced and recorded?
Test and tag of portable equipment up to date?
All engine room fans are able to be shutoff from outside the engine rooms?
All electronic equipment operational?
Distribution boards labelled for correct voltage?
Circuit breakers labelled?
Switch board schedules up to date?
Switch boards free of obstructions?
RCDs tested as per Australian Standards?
Battery switches labelled?
Battery boxes labelled?
Battery spaces well ventilated?
Emergency evacuation lights tested and comply with a 90 minute duration cycle?
Logbooks up to date?
Vessel SMS up to date with data relevant to the vessel?
Emergency procedure checklist on board?
Company / emergency contact list available?
Safety equipment inspected and details recorded?
Safety equipment test records maintained?
Compass deviation card displayed in wheelhouse?
Vessel registration certificate displayed in wheelhouse?
Load line certificate displayed in wheelhouse?
Sewerage discharge records kept?
Oil / bilge water discharge records kept?
Garbage discharge records kept?
Refueling log and refueling procedures kept?
Fire equipment service records kept?
Hazard and near miss forms onboard?
Are the JSA forms on board?
Maintenance plan for vessel on board?
Maintenance records kept?
Operating manuals on board for equipment?
Is there a system to request maintenance in place?
Are the daily checklists completed for maintenance?
Are there charts on board for the area of operation?
Are electronic charts up to date and not older than three months?
Is there a tide book on board?
Are there binoculars on board?
Appropriate flags and day shapes on board?
Are Notice to Mariners provided daily?
Are crew inductions complete?
Emergency drill register up to date?
Cyclone Contingency Plan on board?
Harbour construction standards on board?
Is there a copy of port procedures on board?
Sewerage Management Plan on board?
Marine Execution Plan on board?
Is there a Hazardous Substance Register on board?
MSDS Register kept?
Decanted chemicals labelled properly?
Confined space register maintained?
Confined space procedure on board?
Working at heights procedures on board?
Isolation register maintained?
Policies and procedures manual maintained?
Fire drills conducted?
MOB drills conducted?
Flooding drills conducted?
Collision drills conducted?
Grounding drills conducted?
Abandon ship drills conducted?
Anchor drills conducted?
Do crew have confined space training?
Do crew have heights training?
Radio training for crew undertaken?
Other training undertaken? (List)
Tool Box meetings held and documented?
Vessel clean and tidy?
Equipment stowed properly?
Decks clear of equipment / rubbish?
Evacuation pathways clear of obstructions?
Spill kit available for refueling?
Confined spaces labelled?
Gas sniffer on board?
Gas sniffer in current test?
Anchor points for working at heights labelled?
Mooring lines in good condition?
Anchor winch and anchor serviceable?
All navigation lights functioning?
Emergency steering checked and functional?
Lifting equipment inspected and tested?
Tag out system used?
Toilets clean and serviceable?
General signage adequate?
Engine rooms easily accessible?
Hatches sealed with watertight seals?
Deck areas non slip?
Rails around decks adequate?
Rubbish bins provided and emptied regularly?
Fuel vent pipes have flame arrestor gauze fitted?
Vent pipes protected against water ingress?
Pipes colour coded?
Pipes labelled?
Bunding around fueling points?
All bilge pumps tested and operational?
Bilge pump high water float switches / alarms tested and operational?
Crew areas clean and tidy?
Drinking water provided?
Is there adequate lighting?
Is there adequate ventilation?
Are there sufficient showers and toilets for all on board?
Is there adequate storage for crew belongings?
Is there a bed for every crew member?
Incident reporting forms available?
Are accidents and incidents reported?
MSQ incident reporting forms available?
Investigations conducted into incidents?
Rehabilitation process understood?
OHS policy displayed in the wheelhouse?
Drug and Alcohol Policy displayed?
Signature of Master
Signature of Auditor
This template was downloaded 40 times
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.