Lumiform Mobile audits & inspections
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General Store Audit

You can use this General Store Audit Checklist to evaluate the facilities, employees, safety, cleanliness, and processes within your retail store. Begin by inspecting your products’ layout, promotional materials, and window displays to evaluate if they are up to date, appropriate, and appealing to your customers. Assess all employees’ adherence to company protocols, safety and emergency procedures, and check if they demonstrate product knowledge. Check if storage materials and electrical systems are in good working condition. Conclude the inspection by providing additional comments and affix a digital signature to validate the inspection. You can also use this template across all of your retail outlets to check if brand standards are met. Use Lumiform’s scheduling feature to make sure you never miss conducting another store audit and use Analytics to watch for trends and identify frequently failed items.
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Are all products on display up to date and damage free?
Do all products meet appropriate branding standards?
Are all products available for testing and demonstration?
Are all product stocks available?
Does the display observe proper safety protocol?
Does the layout of the display work?
REFERENCE: Good display layout [This is an example of how you can use Lumiform to include best practice reference images in your templates to assist with inspections]
Are the shelves fully stocked?
Is overcrowding not an issue during the showroom’s busiest hours?
Are complementary products displayed together / nearby?
Is there enough promotional material?
Is it up to date?
Do the branding elements deliver as required?
Is the material displayed appropriately?
Does the window display encourage the consumer to step into the showroom?
Does the window display enable the consumer to visualize the product in their home or office?
Are displays clean and free from dust?
Do all employees practice company protocols?
Are all employees aware of emergency procedures?
Are all employees aware of security procedures?
Do all employees have undergone proper training regarding safety regulations?
Do all employees wear appropriate uniform?
Are all employees instructed on safe/proper use of products?
Do all employees have enough knowledge about the products?
Are there visible signs that direct the customer to the entrance?
Floor coverings in good condition?
Are lighting systems in good condition?
Are all cords anchored or covered?
Are the entrances and exits unobstructed?
Are the shopping carts in good working condition?
Is the parking lot clear of debris?
Are all materials stored safely?
Are storage racks and shelves capable of supporting the intended load?
Are storage racks secured from failing?
Are all cord and cable connections intact and secure?
Are electrical outlets free of overload?
Is the area around electrical panels and breakers free from obstructions?
Are high-voltage electrical service rooms kept locked?
Other comments / Notes
Inspector / Manager's Full Name and Signature
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.