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GAP Health & Safety Audit Checklist Template

To locate and address gaps or weaknesses, businesses employ gap analysis methods. This health and safety gap analysis template offers support in solving all lacks of safety and health at your company. It covers all necessary subtitles like Risk Assessment, Health and Safety Policy and it can be customized to further needs and concerns that might occur.

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Is there a Health & Safety Management System in place
Is there a list of defined responsibilities for the site
Health & Safety Policy
Is there an up to date H&S policy in place
Is there an up to date organisation document
Date last reviewed
Is there an up to date strategy
Date last reviewed
Employer & Public Liability Insurance
Public liability insurance in place & up to date
Employer liability insurance in place & up to date
Risk Assessments
Are the risk assessments up to date
Name of folder & location
Name of folder & location on computer
Is there a fire risk assessment in place for the site
What date was this last carried out
Is there a legionella risk assessment in place for the site
What date was this last carried out
Have manual handling risk assessments been carried out
What date were they last reviewed
Have noise evaluation records & risk assessments been carried out
What date were they last reviewed
Testing & Inspections
Does the site have fixed electrical inspection certificate
When was the date of the last certification
Is there evidence to show the category 1 risks have been completed & where are they recorded
What emergency procedures does the site have
Is there evidence of emergency light test certificates & service records (show evidence)
Is there evidence of fire alarm test certificates & records at site (show evidence)
Is there an asbestos survey/register at site
What date was the assessment carried out
What safe systems of work are used at site
Does the site use method statements for work to be carried out
Does the site use method statements for work to be carried out
Does the site use risk assessments for work to be carried out
Does the site use permit to work systems for work to be carried out
Is there a contractor assurance management program
Are there fire extinguisher inspection records at site
Last inspection date
Are there Portable Appliance Testing & Inspection records at site
Last inspection date
Does the site have a hazardous waste registration number (show evidence)
Does the site have the relevant waste transfer notes for the services used (show evidence)
What does the site do to manage incidents and emergencies
Are there gas boiler service records on site
Date boilers last serviced and by whom
Does the site operate any heavy machinery
What operations manuals & training records are in place for operating these machines
Is there an HSE Law poster displayed in the relevant places
What Health & Safety consultation takes place with staff at site
What Health & Safety training takes place with staff at site
What COSHH records are in place at site
Have display screen equipment risk assessments been carried out
Date of last review
What Fall & Arrest equipment is in place
Date of last inspection
What first aid provisions does the site have
Does the site have passenger & non passenger lifts
Have these lifts been serviced & certified as safe
Date of last inspection & by whom
Does the site have hoists in operation
Have these hoists been serviced & certified as safe
Date of last inspection & by whom
Does the site have any mechanical hoists
Have these lifts been serviced & certified as safe
Date of last inspection & by whom
Does the site have mobile elevated work platforms
Have these been examined & inspected & certified as safe
Date of last inspection & by whom
Are there service records for any work equipment used at site
Are there any manufacturers instructions for high risk equipment
Does the site share its premises with any other parties
Are the relevant joint use agreements in place
Are ladder inspections carried out
Does the site have a simming pool or spa
Do these pools get water tests & recorded & by whom
Where are these tests recorded
What system does the site use for Accident & RIDDOR reporting
What internal monitoring is carried out at site regarding Health & Safety
What independent Health & Safety audits are carried out
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A proactive approach to your business’s safety

A health and safety gap analysis template is a form of a safety audit that measures the current safety procedures of your business. It systematically parses your safety program to:

  • Look for gaps in your safety program’s coverage
  • Identify strengths in your program
  • Find opportunities for improvement

  • After all the first stage in proactive safety, improvement is the gap analysis tool. The next step is to put those findings into use by making improvements. You can keep track of all procedures that will guide your business to becoming a growing company with a safety motto by utilizing the Lumiform health and safety gap analysis checklist.

    The results of the procedure are presented in an automatically generated gap analysis report, which also indicates any process adjustments or corrective actions that should be made in order to strengthen your respective safety management system.

    A health and safety gap analysis template offers a method for calculating the gap between your present situation and your ideal situation. Additionally, they can assist you in achieving compliance, achieving your safety objectives, and simultaneously enhancing morale and safety.

    Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.