HUD Audit Checklist Template
HUD Audit Checklist Template
Auditors can use this HUD Audit checklist as their template to ensure regular compliance when auditing specific HUD program managers.
HUD Audit Checklist Template
Auditors can use this HUD Audit checklist as their template to ensure regular compliance when auditing specific HUD program managers.
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HUD Audit Checklist
Compliance Report
It includes a listing of compliance areas tested.
An independent auditor’s opinion on compliance with specific program requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each major HUD-assisted program.
Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs
This is required for all material instances of noncompliance, and significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in internal control identified by the auditor (including those cases in which corrective action was taken by the lender on the finding after the end of the fiscal year).
Corrective Action Plan
This is prepared by the lender using the lender’s letterhead, in which the lender describes the corrective action taken or planned in response to the findings identified by the auditor.
The plan should also include comments on the corrective action taken on prior findings resulting from relevant HUD, Office of Inspector General audits and HUD program reviews.
Electronic Submission of Audited Financial Statements and Compliance Data
All FHA-approved lenders are required to electronically submit their financial and compliance data to the Lender Approval and Recertification Division through FHA’s electronic data system within 90 days of the close of the end of their fiscal year.
The submission must be based on the signed issued paper copy of the audit of the lender’s financial statements, supplemental information, and the signed independent auditor’s report containing the auditor’s opinion.
A copy of the issued signed hardcopy of the financial statements, supplemental information, and the signed independent auditor’s report(s) must be submitted electronically.
The auditor is required to perform a separate agreed-upon procedures engagement to determine whether the financial data entered into HUD’s electronic system by the lender are accurate and reconcile with the data on the lender’s hardcopy audited financial statements that are contained in the issued signed audit report.
The auditor must compare the electronic data transmitted to HUD to the hardcopy of the basic financial statements, supplemental information, footnotes, the signed independent auditor’s reports, the computation of adjusted net worth, and financial data templates.
This procedure should be performed under the current AICPA Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements for Agreed Upon Procedures Engagements.
A request for a 30-day extension must be submitted to HUD
management, through the electronic system, no earlier than 45 days before the electronic submission due date and no later than 15 days before the submission due
Approved lenders must submit either audited or unaudited financial statements to HUD, within 30 days of the end of each fiscal quarter in which the lender experiences an operating loss of 20 percent or greater of its net worth and must continue to make submissions until the lender demonstrates an operating profit for two consecutive quarters or until the next annual recertification by FHA, whichever is the longer period.
The submission should be emailed to [email adress]
Compliance Requirements and Suggested Audit Procedures
Quality Control Plan Implementation
Sponsor Responsibility for Third-Party Originators
Branch Office Operations
Loan Origination
Loan Servicing
Federal Financial and Activity Reports
Lender Annual Recertification, Adjusted Net Worth, Liquidity, and Licensing
Loan Disbursement
Eligible Fees and Charges
Loan Settlement
Escrow Accounts
Audit Finding Reporting
Content of Finding
Corrective Action in Process
Corrective Action Completed
Reference Material
The auditor should ensure that the updated references or the reference materials that were in effect during the period of the audit are used for performing the audits.
Auditors should make any needed modifications or updates to the material used to perform their audits.
If reference to the handbook is needed in the audit report findings or in any other part of their audit report, auditors should ensure that the entire updated reference (including the revision number) is used.
Technical Assistance
On behalf of the HUD Secretary, the Lender Approval and Recertification Division determines the acceptability of all audited financial statements submitted by FHA-approved lenders.
If a program participant has questions related to HUD’s audited financial statements’ requirements, the participant may contact the helpline at [number] or submit an email to [email adress].
Additional Comments
Auditor Name
Auditor Signature
Program Manager Name
Program Manager Signature
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This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.