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Electrical Audit Report Template

Maintaining electrical safety through an audit of the building, grounds, and equipment is paramount to preventing fires, blackouts, and costly repairs. It also ensures that the company is in compliance with local, state, and federal law. You can use this checklist to inspect the following:

  • • Electrical switchboards & equipment
  • • Power points, light fixtures, & switches
  • • Power tools, electrical leads, & and power boards
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Electrical Switchboards and Equipment
Are switchboards and electrical equipment in a safe condition?
Is the switchboard clearly labeled?
Have safety switches (rcd's) been fitted to all circuits?
Power Points, Light Fixtures and Switches
Are all power points, light fittings, and switches in a safe place and free from obvious defects?
are isolating switches clearly labeled and accessible?
Power Tools, Flexible Leads and Power Boards
Is portable electrical equipment protected by safety switches?
Are all power tools, extension leads and power boards maintained in a safe operating condition?
Are all extension leads and power boards located in a safe position to prevent mechanical or other damage?
Inspecting and Maintaining Electrical Equipment
Are all electrical fittings and equipment, including portable power tools, regularly inspected and maintained?
Have all power leads been inspected and tagged?
Is there an Electrical Equipment Register?
Is the EER up to date and complete?
Hazards Identified (Planning for Improvement)
Hazard 1
Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions Completed
Hazard 2
Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions Completed
Hazard 3
Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions Completed
Hazard 4
Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions Completed
Hazard 5
Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions Completed
Strategic Safety and Training Consultant
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.