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General Workplace Health and Safety Checklist

Use this general workplace health and safety checklist to have a quick run through with the overall condition of the workplace. It is an easy read-confirm checklist which includes inspection of communication processes, risk management, manual tasks, hazardous substances handling, infection control systems, rehabilitation and stress hazards. Use Lumiform to conduct quick checks of your workplace.
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Communication of Health and Safety Policy and Information
Are policies, procedures and guidelines easily accessible to staff?
Are staff aware of OH&S policy statement?
Is general OH&S information available?
Allocation of Responsibility/Accountability for Health and Safety
Are OH&S duties allocated to appropriate staff?
Are staff aware of duty statements allocating OH&S responsibilities?
Do staff discuss health and safety issues?
Purchasing Controls
Are purchasing policies, procedures and guidelines accessible to relevant staff?
Are staff aware of OH&S standard purchasing requirements?
Are products purchased with attention to OH&S features?
Are procedures in place to ensure that contractors maintain OH&S standards?
Are OH&S issues discussed with contractors before commencing work?
Is OH&S information available about contractual agreements?
Health and Safety Consultation
Is there a qualified workplace health and safety officer at your workplace (if you have thirty or more staff)?
Has/have a workplace health and safety representative(s) been elected (if requested by staff)?
Is there a workplace health and safety committee or other forum to deal with health and safety issues?
Risk Management
Are staff aware of the risk management process?
Are workplace risks assessed and controlled, e.g. is appropriate signage displayed to identify potential risks?
Are DOEM policies, procedures and guidelines on risk management accessible to staff?
Manual Tasks
Are there procedures to determine risks associated with manual tasks?
Are there procedures for safely performing manual tasks?
Are staff trained to safely perform manual tasks?
Hazardous Substances
Are DOEM policy and procedures on hazardous substances accessible to staff?
Have material safety data sheets been obtained for all hazardous substances?
Are there procedures for the safe use and storage of hazardous substances?
Have written procedures for the safe use of plant and equipment been developed?
Are manufacturers’ manuals/instructions accessible to staff?
Are plant and equipment used and maintained according to manufacturers’instructions?
Workplace Environment
Is information on safe and healthy environmental conditions available to staff?
Have environmental hazards been assessed and controlled, e.g. noise, UV radiation?
Have all staff received OH&S induction training?
Do staff receive OH&S training relevant to their job?
Are appropriate training records kept?
Accident Reporting and Investigation
Are there written procedures for reporting, recording and investigating accidents and incidents?
Are on-site records of all accidents and incidents kept?
Are accidents and incidents investigated?
Emergency Planning
Has a site plan been developed?
Are there written and displayed emergency procedures for situations such as fire, medical emergency, bomb threat, evacuation, natural disaster, chemical spill, and occupational violence at the workplace?
Are staff and students trained in the emergency procedures?
First Aid
Does the workplace have first aid facilities, e.g. first aid kit and first aid room?
Are there written first aid procedures?
Are there trained first aid personnel with first aid certification at least?
Infection Control
Is infection control information available to staff?
Are there written infection control procedures?
Do staff practise the infection control procedures?
Are sources of biohazards in the workplace identified?
Occupational Rehabilitation
Are the department’s occupational rehabilitation policy and procedures accessible to staff?
Has an accredited workplace rehabilitation coordinator been appointed (if your workplace has thirty or more staff)?
Are rehabilitation plans documented and regularly monitored?
Workplace Stress
Are consultative decision-making processes practised in the workplace?
Do staff know who their district employee adviser is?
Are staff provided with information on stress management?
Full Name and Signature of Inspector
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.