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ISO 50001 Internal Audit Checklist

This ISO 5001 audit checklist is suitable for end-to-end measurement, monitoring and evaluation of the organization’s energy performance. Internal audits are recommended as they allow evaluation criteria to be set more flexibly.

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Energy Policy
Has the Energy Policy on the site notice boards
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Has the policy been communicated to the site employees
Has the policy: A) appropriate to the nature and the scale of the organisation? B) include commitment for continual improvement in energy performance? C) include commitment for availability of information and resources? D) include commitment to comply with legal and other requirements? E) provide frame work for setting and reviewing energy objectives and targets? F) support the purchase of energy efficient products and services? G) Documented and communicated to all levels within the organisation? H) Regularly reviewed?
Energy review
Has the site identify the current energy sources?
Has a bench mark for consumption been set based on past and present data?
What are the areas with a significant energy use?
What improvement program's were set in order to improve energy consumption
Operational control
Has the site established setting criteria for the effective operation and maintenance for its. Significant energy uses?
Has the site operations works in line with the set operational criterial?
Has the site management communicate and record its operational controls to the relevant staff?
Documentation Requirements - General
documented procedures and records required by this International Standard?
Control of documents?
Internal audits?
Control of non-conformity?
Corrective action?
Preventive action?
Documents, including records, determined by the organization to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes?
Legal and other requirements
Has the company identify the significant legal and other requirements that are applicable to the energy use?
Energy performance indicators (KPIs)
Has the site identify energy performance indicators for monitoring and measuring?
Control of Documents
Are all documents required by the quality management system controlled?
Are records considered to be a special type of document?
Has a documented procedure been established to define the controls needed to approve documents for adequacy prior to issue?
to review and update as necessary and re-approve documents?
to ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified?
to ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use?
to ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable?
to ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the quality management system are identified and their distribution controlled?
to prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose?
Control of Records
Have records been established to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality management system?
Are they controlled?
Has a documented procedure been established to define the controls needed for the identification of records?
Management Commitment
Does top management provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the energy management system?
Does top management provide evidence of its commitment to continually improving the effectiveness of the energy management system by communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements?
establish the energy policy?
ensuring that energy objectives are established?
conducting management reviews?
ensuring the availability of resources?
Management Representative
Has top management appointed a member of its management
who, irrespective of other responsibilities, has responsibility and authority that includes ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established, implemented and maintained?
reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement?
ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization?
Internal Communication
Has top management ensured that appropriate communication processes are established within the organization?
Has top management ensured that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the energy management system?
Management Review - General
Does top management review the organisation's energy management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness?
Does this review include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system?
Does this review include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality policy and quality objectives?
Have records from management reviews been maintained?
Review Input
Does the input to management review include information on results of audits?
process performance and product conformity?
status of preventive and corrective actions?
follow-up actions from previous management reviews?
changes that could affect the Energy management system?
recommendations for improvement? And the extent of which the energy objectives and targets were met?
Review Output
Where there any significant changes in the site energy preform acne?
If YES!, what were they?
Are new KPIs or energy objectives were set?
If yes what we're they?
Provision of Resources
Has the organization determined and provided the resources needed to implement and maintain the quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness?
to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements?
Human Resources - General
Are personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience?
Competence , Awareness & Training
Has the organization determined the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements?
where applicable, provided training or taken other actions to achieve the necessary competence?
evaluated the effectiveness of the actions taken?
ensured that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives?
maintained appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience ?
Purchasing Process
Does the organization ensure that purchased product conforms to specified purchase requirements?
Internal Audit
Does the organization conduct internal audits at planned intervals
to determine whether the energy management system conforms to the planned arrangements ?
is effectively implemented and maintained?
as well as the results of previous audits?
Have the audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods been be defined?
Have the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, establishing records and reporting results been defined in a documented procedure?
Does the management responsible for the area being audited ensure that any necessary corrections and corrective actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes?
Continual Improvement
Does the organization continually improve the effectiveness of the energy management system through the use of the energy policy, energy objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and management review?
Corrective Action
Does the organization take action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence?
Are corrective actions appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered?
Has a documented procedure been established to define requirements for reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints)?
determining the causes of nonconformities?
evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur?
determining and implementing action needed?
records of the results of action taken?
reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective action taken?
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Achieve Energy Efficiency with an ISO 50001 Internal Audit Checklist

An ISO 50001 internal audit checklist is a tool used to assess an organization’s compliance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems. The checklist provides a systematic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of an organization’s energy management practices and identifying opportunities for improvement.

The ISO 50001 standard provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an energy management system. The standard is designed to help organizations manage their energy consumption and reduce their environmental impact, while also improving energy performance and lowering costs.

The ISO 50001 internal audit checklist typically includes a list of items to be assessed, such as the establishment of an energy policy and objectives, the identification of energy sources and uses, the development of energy performance indicators, and the implementation of energy-saving measures.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.