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Use a kitchen cleaning SOP template to ensure employee compliance

A Kitchen Cleaning SOP Checklist Template can help you to standardize and organize your kitchen cleaning process. Conduct inspections with this checklist to assess if employees wear hygienic clothes and if food is correctly handled. This also checks if kitchen facilities are washed and sanitised correctly after use, and if waste materials are separated and correctly disposed of.
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Do staff follow food safety procedure?
Do all food service workers wear hair restraints?
Do all staff wear clean clothing?
Food Handling
Are chemicals deposited away from food?
Are all foods thawed and cooled properly?
Is the floor cleaned and free from any spillage?
Reference: this is a leaned floor and free from spillage. [This is an example of how you can work with Lumiform to show best practice reference images in your templates to help with inspections]
Are all work counters cleaned and sanitised after their use?
Is the receiving dock cleaned?
Are all stoves cleaned after they were used?
Is ice machine cleaned after use?
Are all sinks cleaned and sanitised after their use?
Is dishwasher cleaned after each use?
Are freezer, refrigerator and dishwasher temperatures controlled and recorded?
Are ovens turned off when not in use?
Is the steamer table cleaned after use?
Are all equipment cleaned, locked and inventoried?
Are tray return and surrounding area cleaned after each use?
Is the steam table cleaned and sanitised after each use?
Are mixers cleaned and covered after use?
Are dishcloths washed at the end of each shift?
Are oven spills cleaned?
Are all dishes, pots, pans, and utensils cleaned and stored correctly after each meal and snack?
Waste Disposal
Are all wastes separated?
Are trash bins emptied and cleaned after every meal?
Further recommendations:
Overall evaluation:
Name and Signature of Inspector:
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The Kitchen Cleaning SOP Checklist Template is an essential tool for any kitchen. It helps ensure that all areas of the kitchen are properly and thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and organized. The template includes detailed instructions, a comprehensive list of supplies, and step-by-step directions to ensure the kitchen is kept in top condition. It also includes a checklist of tasks and a tracking system to help keep kitchen personnel on task and on time. This template is perfect for restaurants, catering businesses, and other food service establishments.
Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.