This OSHA self-inspection checklist can be used for inspecting safety of welding, cutting and brazing activities. Perform this quick self-inspection before operating any machinery equipment. Confirm that only trained personnel will be performing the task, check for gas cylinder handling and storage, inspect cables and equipment, check the work area and ventilation and ensure proper PPE is worn at all times.
Welding, cutting and brazing OSHA checklist
Welding, cutting and brazing OSHA checklist
Use this checklist to inspect the safety of welding, cutting and brazing activities before operating any machines.
Welding, cutting and brazing OSHA checklist
Use this checklist to inspect the safety of welding, cutting and brazing activities before operating any machines.
About the Welding, cutting and brazing OSHA checklist
- Workplace safety templates
Preview of the template
Are only authorised and trained employees allowed to use welding, cutting or brazing devices?
Are handling and storing cylinders, safety valves and relief devices to prevent damage used carefully?
Does each worker have a copy of the proper operating instructions and are they commanded to follow them?
Are compressed gas cylinders periodically examined for clear signs of defects, deep rusting or leakage?
Is care taken not to drop or strike cylinders?
Is only certified equipment used?
Are cylinders kept away from roots of heat?
Are the cylinders kept away from elevators, stairs or walkways?
Are forethoughts taken to prevent the confusion of air or oxygen with combustible gases, except at a burner or in a regular torch?
Is it forbidden to use cylinders as rollers or supports?
Are empty cylinders properly labelled and their valves closed?
Are signs reading: DANGER-NO SMOKING, MATCHES OR OPEN LIGHTS or similar signs posted?
Are there liquefied gases stored and transmitted valve-end up with plug covers in place?
Are cylinders, cylinder valves, couplings, controls, hoses and equipment kept free of oily or greasy materials?
Before a regulator is lifted, is the valve sealed and gas released from the regulator?
Is red applied to classify the acetylene and other fuel gas line, green for oxygen line, and black for inert gas and air line?
Do cylinders without fixed hand wheels have keys, holders, or non-stretchable wrenches on stem valves when in service?
Unless ensured on special trucks, are controls removed and valve-protection caps set in place before moving cylinders?
Is open circuit (No Load) energy of arc welding and cutting devices as low as possible and not in excess of the prescribed limits?
Are electrodes separated from the holders when not used?
Are provisions presented to never break a fuel gas cylinder valve near sources of combustion?
Is grounding of the device frame and safety ground contacts of portable machines reviewed periodically?
Under wet circumstances, are automatic controls for reducing the no-load voltage applied?
Are work and electrode lead cables routinely examined for wear and damage and replaced when necessary?
Is it demanded that electric power to the welder is shut off when no one is in presence?
Are pressure-reducing controls used just for the gas and forces for which they are designed?
Is proper fire extinguishing devices available for instant use?
Is the welder prohibited to coil or loop welding electrode cable nearby his/her body?
Are flammable floors kept wet, covered by damp sand or preserved by fire-resistant shields?
Are wet machines completely dried and examined before being used?
Do means for connecting cable lengths have enough insulation?
Are fire watchers charged when welding or cutting is done in locations where a dangerous fire might develop?
When working in restricted places, are environmental monitoring examinations taken and means implemented for quick replacement of welders in event of an emergency?
When the item to be welded cannot be moved and fire risks cannot be eliminated are shields used to limit heat, sparks, and slag?
When welding is performed on metal walls, are precautions taken to guard combustibles on the other side?
Before hot work is started, are used drums, barrels, tanks, and other containers so thoroughly cleaned that no substances remain that could explode, inflame or produce toxic vapours?
Is it expected that eye protection, helmets, hand shields and goggles match appropriate standards?
When grounds are wet down, are employees protected from potential electrical shock?
Are workers exposed to the risks created by welding, cutting, or brazing works protected with PPE and clothing?
Is a check performed for sufficient ventilation in and where welding or cutting is done?
Full name and signature of the inspector:
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.