Use this checklist before you commence work each day to check for hazards that could cause an electrocution. Initially check if general electrical safety measures are followed. Next inspect if power tools, extension, and flexible cords are safely utilized. Evaluate if grounding procedures are applied to all equipment and tools. Lastly, determine if employees comply with the safety regulations when working around power lines. Provide overall hazard rating and recommendations to improve safety.
Electrical Hazard Checklist
Electrical Hazard Checklist
Before starting your daily work, use this checklist to check whether there are any hazards that could cause an electric shock.
Electrical Hazard Checklist
Before starting your daily work, use this checklist to check whether there are any hazards that could cause an electric shock.
About the Electrical Hazard Checklist
Preview of the template
Nature of Work
General Electrical Safety
Are power sources assumed to be energized unless certain that they are safe?
Are equipment used only for its designed purpose?
Are making extension cords with ROMEX® wire avoided?
Are equipment intended for indoor usage being utilized outside?
Are ungrounded, two-prong adapter plugs avoided from attaching into three-prong cords or tools?
Are circuit breakers or fuses with the wrong rating (example: using a 30-amp breaker in a system with a 15- or 20- amp outlet) avoided?
Is there an emergency response plan for electrical injuries?
Is the emergency response plan practiced for electrical injuries?
Power Tool Safety
Is carrying power tools by their cords avoided?
Is yanking cords to disconnect them from outlets avoided?
Are cords kept away from heat, oil and sharp edges?
Are cords kept away from cutting surfaces of power saws or drills?
Are tool disconnected when not in use?
Are tools disconnect before servicing or when changing blades or bits?
Is holding your finger on the “ON” switch avoided when carrying a plugged-in tool?
Are gloves and safety footwear worn when using electrical tools?
REFERENCE: Working on electricity wearing insulated gloves
[This is an example of how you can use Lumiform to include best practice reference images in your templates to assist with inspections]
Are tools in damp or wet locations not used unless tools are specifically approved for such use?
Are tools in a well-lit area being used?
Are damaged tools tagged with “Do Not Use”?
Extension and Flexible Cord Safety
Are factory assembled cord sets being used?
Are extension cords that are three-wire type being used?
Are extension cords marked with a designation code for hard or extra-hard usage being utilized?
Are yanking cords to disconnect them from outlets being avoided?
Is there a system for auditing cords to ensure they are the proper kind?
Is straining flexible cords avoided?
Is dragging flexible cords along the window and other sharp edges avoided?
Is dragging flexible cords through staples and other sharp objects avoided?
Is removing ground plugs avoided?
Ground Fault Protection
Are all power supply systems grounded?
Are all electrical circuits grounded?
Are all electrical equipment grounded?
Are ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) on all 120-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles being used?
Are manufacturers’ testing procedures followed to ensure GFCI is working properly?
Is double-insulated equipment being used?
Are tools being used according to their instructions?
Are tools with frayed cords avoided?
Are tools with missing ground prongs avoided?
Are tools with cracked tool casings avoided?
Are all exposed metal parts of equipment grounded?
Are all of your electrical systems grounded?
Working Around Power Lines
Are overhead power lines looked upon before entering a worksite?
Are utilities for buried power line locations being contacted?
Are power lines de-energized, guarded or insulated?
Are warning signs posted when power lines can’t be de-energized?
If power lines are not de-energized, is there enough clearance?
Are safe routes identified where cranes and other equipment travel?
Are cranes operated at slower-than-normal speeds when near power lines?
Is there a designated signal person to indicate when clearance is safe?
Is touching or handling the crane or its load avoided unless a signal person says it is safe to do so?
Are boom guards being used?
Are insulating links being used?
When handling equipment or materials with a crane boom, does an equipment which has an electrical ground connected directly to the upper structure of the boom being used?
Are metal frames and tracks of electrically operated cranes grounded?
Are frames of non-electrically driven elevator cars to which electric conductors are attached grounded?
Are hand-operated metal shifting ropes or cables of electric elevators grounded?
Are ladders made of non-conductive wood or fiberglass?
Overall Hazard Rating
Full Name and Signature of the Inspector
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.