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Halal Inspection Checklist

Halal inspection checklist includes: verifying ingredients, examining production process, checking storage/handling, and verifying labeling/packaging. All must adhere to religious standards and regulations. This template is based on the Halal certification in Malaysia.

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Halal Internal Audit Checklist
Raw Materials/ Ingredients
Raw material/ingredients sources are halal and safe
Raw material/ingredients which are sourced from animals shall have a valid halal certificate
Sources of imported animal-based raw materials shall come from approved plants by JAKIM and the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS)
Raw material without halal certification shall be accompanied by complete specification (indicating material composition, flow chart, and its raw material sources)
Raw materials, processing aid, and product/ menu shall be listed in detail in the application form
Non-halal raw material/ ingredient is not allowed to be stored in the premise.
Products applied should be produced consistently with an updated production record
Preparation, handling, processing, packaging, storage or transfer of products, they shall be in compliance with requirements by the Shariah law and remain clean as well as comply to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)/ Good Hygienic Practices (GHP)
No mixing between raw materials/ products with non-halal materials/ sources or those with uncertain halal status
Transportation used shall be for halal products only
Use of appliances/ brushes from animal hair is not allowed
Packaging and Labelling
The packaging label shall contain information according to the rules, act, and related standards such as:
Name of product
Malaysia Halal Logo with the Malaysia Standard (MS) number and the fie reference number (the last 10 digits)
Net content shall be stated in metric measurement (SI unit)
Name and address of the manufacturer, importer, and/ or distributor and its trademark
List of ingredients
Coding number to show the date and/ or production batch number and expiry date
Country of origin
Labeling and advertising shall not contravene the principles of Shariah law and shall not highlight indecency which contradicts the Shariah law
The Malaysia Halal Logo cannot be used on promotional products in conjunction with non-Islamic religious festivals or together with non-Islamic religious emblem
Name of the product does not use the word ‘Halal’ and names with elements of religion and god
The packaging material shall not be made from materials which are classified as Najs
Factory Premises ( Food Production)
The factory compound shall be fenced or having a control mechanism to prevent pets or wild animals from entering or remain in the factory area.
Equipment used shall be free from Najs, any hazardous materials and does not result in side effects to the products produced.
The arrangement of equipment and goods in the factory shall be neat, tidy and safe during working operations in producing the product.
Workers are not allowed to live in the factory compound. If it is necessary, living quarters for the workers shall be:
in separate building
if it is in the same building, there shall be a separate entrance to the processing area
no direct passageway from the workers’ living quarters to the processing area
there is a mechanism for controlling the movement in and out of workers
non-halal food/ beverages are not allowed to be brought into the factory compound
The factory shall have an effective control system from contamination of animal rearing centers, sewerage plant,s and premises that process non-halal materials.
Liquor and materials sourced from liquor are strictly prohibited to be in the factory compound.
Workers shall practice code of ethics and Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) as stated in the Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 and other related regulations
Workers shall wear proper and suitable attire
Sanitation System
The environment shall be clean and its cleaning schedule shall be properly regulated and free from pollution
Equipment used must be clean and sanitary;
Equipment, machine appliances, and processing aids that have been used or in contact with Najs mughallazah shall be religiously cleansed (sertu)
Appliances/ brushes from animal hair are not allowed.
Pest Control
Applicants shall have records of regular pest control systems conducted by the company itself or contracted externally.
Cleaning Schedule
The cleaning schedule shall be prepared and properly monitored.
Halal Record
Applicants shall provide a proper file to keep related documents which can be referred to when inspection is conducted.
Workers’ Basic Amenities and Welfare
The management shall provide basic amenities and ensure the worker’s welfare is taken care of, including:
Suitable praying area for Muslim workers
Permission to perform daily Fardhu and Friday prayers
Changing room
Supervision and Monitoring
The management shall ensure the supervision and monitoring of Halal Assurance System is well recorded with reference to the HAS 2011.
Tool and Elements of Worship
Tool and elements of worship are not allowed in the processing area, starting from the reception area for raw materials until the finished products, storage area and serving place.
The management shall ensure that all workers attended halal-related training.
Name of Auditor
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Ensure your food is compliant with a Halal inspection checklist

Malaysia is known for its high standards and regulations when it comes to Halal certification. This can be seen in the Halal inspection checklist that must be completed in order to obtain a Halal certification. The checklist covers a wide range of areas, from the ingredients used in food production to the presence of non-Halal items in the production area.

This Halal checklist template includes a detailed examination of the ingredients used in food production and the presence of any non-Halal items such as pork, alcohol, or any other prohibited items. In addition, the checklist also includes questions about the handling and preparation of the food and the storage of the ingredients.

The Halal certification process also includes inspections of the food production facility, including its cleanliness and hygiene. The inspectors will also check to make sure that the facility is compliant with the Halal standards set by the Malaysian government.

Finally, the Halal inspection checklist includes a review of the documents related to the Halal certification process, such as the Halal certificate, the Halal certificate renewal, and the Halal audit report. After all of these steps are complete, the Halal certification is granted.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.