Use this checklist if you want to double-check to make sure that your company is adhering to the strict packaging regulations required by law. Are your packages clearly labeled with a visible barcode? Do the product dimensions fit within the shipping container? What about the quality of the packaging? Answer all these questions and more in the template below.
Check to make sure the package has the right product and quantity of products
Randomly inspect packages by scanning the SKU code
Count the number of SKU codes to determine if product counts are correct
Barcode Legibility
Is the barcode clear and legible on the outside of the packaging?
Does the UPC label on the box should match the purchase order information?
Reason for barcode defect:
Please attach photo of barcode
Is the label clear and legible on the outside of the packaging?
All consignee and handling marks, as well as the weight and size of the box, should match the purchase information
Manufacturer name, address, and country of origin present on label
Warning label present if applicable
Company logo stamped and visible
Reason for Label Defect:
Please attach photo of label
Packaging Materials
Please select packaging materials used
Does the packaging material and dimensions match the label?
Did packaging have to be modified to fit product dimensions?
Packaging marks are correct
Packaging is free from damage
Correct package size
Package is securely sealed
Please attach photo of package
Primary Packaging
Type of packaging used
Does the packaging selected match the label?
Please attach photo of primary packaging
Secondary Packaging
Type of packaging used
Does the packaging selected match the label?
Please attach photo of secondary packaging
Tertiary Packaging
Type of packaging used
Does the packaging selected match the label?
Please attach photo of tertiary packaging
Each package contains the declared volume and weight of packaged goods according to the Weights and Measures Regulation
Uses metric weights and measures unless product is beer or milk
Safety & Handling
If the product presents a potential risk or hazard to workers or consumers, manufacturers should provide clear instructions on how to properly handle and transport the product
Accurate Description
All information stated on packaging is correct according to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations
Description includes information on the following:
Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.