1. Client Perception
1.1 Do the site team communicate enough with the client facilities manager / team?
1.2 Do the site team complete all necessary documentation for easy viewing e.g. Report sheets & certification etc?
1.3 Do the site team communicate enough with the clients tenants?
1.4 Does the client feel that the PFMS site team conduct their work following good H&S practices? If not please provide example in the comments box.
1.5 Does the client perceive the site team to be well presented?
1.6 Does the client have good response from the PFMS site supervisor / manager?
1.7 Does the client feel comfortable with the designated engineering / management team and their level of competence?
1.8 If applicable, what areas would the client like to see an improvement?
1.9 Does the client feel that the PFMS external support to the contract is sufficient to aid the contractual obligations and the performance of the site team?
1.10 Does the client perceive that the level of service, response and communication is to their expectation and that there are no major issues? if the client indicates any major issues or concerns please detail in the comments box.
2. Statutory and Life Systems
Fire Alarm Systems / PA / VESDA
2.1 Does the client have a current Fire Risk Assessment? Do PFMS hold a copy and do they understand it?
2.2 Check that the weekly Fire Alarm & PA tests are being carried out and logged?
2.3 Check that monthly Fire Alarm & PA tests are being carried out and logged?
2.4 Check that quarterly Fire Alarm & PA tests are being carried out and logged & that sub contractor report sheets clearly identify which areas have been tested on each visit?
2.5 Check that any Fire Alarm and PA system recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress? All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box.
2.6 Check that sub contractor PPM report sheets are on-site and comply to the contract term order for Fire Alarm System maintenance, PA System maintenance and VESDA System maintenance, where applicable.
2.7 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Fire Alarm Systems?
Sprinkler Systems
2.8 Check where applicable that the Sprinkler System has a separate logbook setup in accordance with BS5306 part 2. Check that weekly, monthly and annual tests are recorded and logged in the aforementioned logbook?
2.9 Check that Sprinkler System sub contractor report sheets are on-site and comply to the contract term order?
2.10 Check that any Sprinkler System recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
2.11 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Sprinkler Systems?
Wet / Dry Risers
2.12 Check that Wet / Dry Riser sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
2.13 Check that any Wet / Dry Riser recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box.
2.14 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Wet / Dry Riser Systems?
Extinguishing Systems
2.15 Where applicable check that Fire Extinguishers have current calibration?
2.16 Check that all required certification is in date for Gas Suppression Systems? Certificates to include integrity test results.
2.17 Check that Extinguishing System sub contractor report sheets are on-site and comply to the contract term order?
2.18 Check that any Extinguishing Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
2.19 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Extinguishing Systems?
Emergency Lighting
2.20 Check that Emergency Lighting logbook is implemented to the required standard and being used?
2.21 Check that monthly tests are being completed and recorded?
2.22 Check that annual 'drop tests' have been completed and recorded?
2.23 Check that battery tests have been completed and recorded?
2.24 Check that sub contractor PPM report sheets are on-site and comply to the contract term order (if not completed 'in house').
2.25 Check that any Emergency Lighting recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
2.26 Enter date of last annual 'drop test' on Emergency Lighting?
Lightning Protection
2.27 Check that Lightning Protection annual tests have been completed and certificates have been issued?
2.28 Check that Lightning Protection sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
2.29 Check that any Lightning Protection Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
2.30 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Lightning Protection Systems?
Gas & Pressure Systems
2.31 Check that annual Boiler System records are in place?
2.32 Check for current Gas Safety Certificate?
2.33 Check for annual Landlord Gas Safety Certificate?
2.34 Check that Boiler System sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
2.35 Check that any Boiler Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
2.36 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Boiler Systems?
2.37 Does site hold a current register of all pressure systems on-site? Have annual inspections been completed and has the certification been issued?
Lift Systems
2.38 Check that all Lift Systems are being serviced and that annual LG1 certificates are current and on-site?
2.39 Check that Lift System sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
2.40 Check that any Lift Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
2.41 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the Lift Systems?
Portable Appliance Testing / Electrical Test and Inspection
2.42 Choose a random selection of Items and verify if the PAT certificates are in date?
2.43 Check that site hold in-date 5 yearly ET&I records?
2.44 Confirm that all category 1 & 2 remedial actions following the latest ET&I have been closed out?
2.45 Enter date of last ET&I?
F-Gas & Air Conditioning Inspections (TM44)
2.46 Does site comply to the F-Gas directive by keeping a separate logbook of all A/C systems identifying refrigerant usage, periodic system leak tests etc?
2.47 Do any A/C Systems onsite contain >300kg of refrigerant? Where this is the case does the system have static leak detection as required under the F-Gas regulation?
2.48 Has site completed a TM44 Energy Inspection Survey as per new government legislation? If not has the client informed the client of this requirement and have the works been quoted?
3. Business Critical Systems
Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS)
3.1 Do site operate weekly / monthly UPS checks to include load readings to phases, battery cell condition etc?
3.2 Check that UPS System sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
3.3 Check that any UPS Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
3.4 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the UPS Systems?
Generator Plant
3.5 Do site operate weekly / monthly Generator System checks to include tripping batteries condition, oil leaks around generator and recording of any fault status etc?
3.6 Do site complete 'off load' Generator testing? Add frequency and run times in comments box.
3.7 Do site complete 'on load' Generator testing? Add frequency and run times in comments box.
3.8 Check that Generator System sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
3.9 Check that any Generator Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
3.10 Enter date of either the last Generator 'on load' test OR Loadbank test?
HV & LV Networks
3.11 HV & LV Transformers and Switchgear - Check that all rooms with the associated equipment are locked and controlled via the qualified personnel?
3.12 Check site operate HV / LV system competency matrix? HV Approved Person is site specific and any associated works can only be undertaken if an engineer has formally be appointed by a company Director.
3.13 Check site operate switching schedules for any works being undertaken on HV Systems?
3.14 Are schematic drawings available and located in HV / LV Switchrooms?
3.15 Check that HV / LV Switchgear sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
3.16 Check that any HV / LV Switchgear recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
3.17 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the HV / LV Systems?
COMM'S Room Air Conditioning
3.18 Do site operate Daily / Weekly COMM'S Room A/C System checks to include recording unit temperatures, units running or standby, fault status etc?
3.19 Are the COMM'S Room A/C units on automatic switch over or does this require manual operation?
3.20 Do the COMM'S Room A/C units have Leak Detection? Is this currently in good working order?
3.21 Check that COMM'S Room A/C units sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
3.22 Check that any COMM'S Room A/C units recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
3.23 Enter date of last sub contractor PPM report sheet for the COMM'S Room A/C Units?
Out Of Hours Support
3.24 What type of 'call out facility' is associated to this contract?
3.25 Does site have an up to date 'out of hours' Escalation Procedure alongside any associated call out rota's?
4. Water Systems Management (ACOP L8)
It is the responsibility of the PFMS manager / engineer to ensure that all their temperature checks are recorded and logged with a calibrated temperature meter / probe and that all remedial works are escalated through the line management.
4.1 Check Water Treatment Risk Assessment (L8) has not expired passed two years? If the assessment is out of date, inform the client of their obligation under 'Health and Safety at Work Act'. Check that the assessment has been reviewed and amended if any system modifications have taken place (to include updated line diagram, where applicable).
4.2 Enter date of last Water Treatment Risk Assessment report?
4.3 Do site operate a Water Treatment Logbook that conforms to ACOP L8?
4.4 Are site using the standard PFMS test sheets and recording weekly 'low usage' flushing points?
4.5 Are site using the standard PFMS test sheets and recording monthly temperature checks and escalating any exceptions through the PFMS remedial actions / rectification log?
4.6 Are site using the standard PFMS test sheets and recording 6 monthly tank temperatures and visual inspection checks and escalating any exceptions through the PFMS remedial actions / rectification log?
4.7 Are site using the standard PFMS test sheets and recording shower head cleans as set out in the L8 RA and escalating any exceptions through the PFMS remedial actions / rectification log?
4.8 Are Quarterly Biological and Chemical Analysis recorded for closed systems and remedial actions followed up by site personnel e.g. Chemical levels are correct?
4.9 Are site filing all copies of Tank &Cooling Tower Chlorination Certificates?
4.10 Check that a separate logbook is setup for the Cooling Towers and that Dip Slide reading are being taken and recorded and escalating any exceptions through the PFMS remedial actions / rectification log?
4.11 Check that maintenance on the Cooling Towers is in accordance with site specific L8 RA?
4.12 Where applicable check that UV Lamps have been serviced and recorded and escalating any exceptions through the PFMS remedial actions / rectification log?
4.13 Check that Water Treatment Systems sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
4.14 Check that any Water Treatment Systems recorded remedial works have been completed, acknowledged or actioned in progress. All outstanding remedial actions to be added to comments box?
5. General PPM
5.1 Enter the Monthly PPM Completion Status (%) for 3 months ago?
5.2 Enter the Monthly PPM Completion Status (%) for 2 months ago?
5.3 Enter the Monthly PPM Completion Status (%) for 1 month ago?
5.4 Record current back log figure against PPM works?
5.5 Record details of overdue PPM's
5.6 Check that General PPM sub contractor report sheets are on-site and conform to the contract term order?
5.7 Check that site operate standard PFMS filing system in-line with company policies and that all items are up to date?
Carry out physical inspection of 10% of completed PPM tasks
5.8 (A) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.9 (A) System photographs where required?
5.10 (B) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.11 (B) System photographs where required?
5.12 (C) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.13 (C) System photographs where required?
5.14 (D) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.15 (D) System photographs where required?
5.16 (E) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.17 (E) System photographs where required?
5.18 (F) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.19 (F) System photographs where required?
5.20 (G) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.21 (G) System photographs where required?
5.22 (H) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.23 (H) System photographs where required?
5.24 (I) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.25 (I) System photographs where required?
5.26 (J) PPM Inspection / System Detail?
5.27 (J) System photographs where required?
6. Health and Safety & COSHH
Check at all COSHH risk assessment forms are in place for all substances used on-site. If any additional substances are located, these are to be removed from use until the relevant documents are in place.
6.1 Check that the correct storage facility is be used for substances and that site have all the relevant assessments on-site?
6.2 Check that site are operating 'site specific' risk assessments and method statements?
6.3 Check that site fully understand company procedure on the control of sub contractors and that the policy is being adhered to?
6.4 Is there a competent person on-site to complete the relevant 'permits to work' and do they fully understand the company policy?
6.5 Check site has current calibration certificates for all test equipment on-site?
6.6 Check the accident logbook has been completed where appropriate and to company policy? A note of all accidents should be listed in the comments box.
7. Questions For Site Team 'Knowing Your Building'
7.1 How do you reset the Gas Valve?
7.2 Does the Gas Valve drop out on fire alarm signal?
7.3 Is there a schematic diagram for the Gas system pipe work?
7.4 Are all Gas system pipes earth bonded to the required standard?
Water Systems
7.5 Where is the main building isolation valve located?
7.6 Are all Water Systems pipes earth bonded to the required standard?
7.7 Is there a schematic diagram for the Water system pipe work?
Oil (Heating OR Generators)
7.8 Do site have a formal procedure in place for spillage incidents?
7.9 What would you do in the event of HV mains failure? Does site have a written procedure?
7.10 What would you do in the event of LV mains failure? Does site have a written procedure?
7.11 Have electrical panels been Thermal Image tested?
7.12 Are there tripping batteries on-site and what is there current condition?
7.13 Are all site engineers competent in the use of the Generator? Does the Generator automatically synchronise with the mains?
7.14 What is the location of the isolation point for the Rising Busbar Systems, and what are they labelled up as?
7.15 Are all electrical panels (to include distribution boards, electrical switchboards, MCC panels) locked and clean?
8. Financial
8.1 Do site operate the standard PFMS quote log?
8.2 Do site operate financial authority levels and are these being adhered too?
8.3 Are site pro-active with invoicing extra works on completion?
8.4 Are site pro-active when handling sub contractor invoice queries?
8.5 Do site understand the contract 'terms and conditions' and specifically the comprehensive element where applicable?
8.6 Is dept being managed on-site? If there is any outstanding dept, please record in the comments box.
8.7 Please detail any outstanding quotation that are required by the client?
8.8 Please detail any future opportunities that have been identified, either extra works projects OR variations to contract?
9. Actions Following Completion Of Audit
9.1 Manager to detail all high level actions to be completed within two weeks of the audit date:
9.2 High level actions - continued (where required)
10. Audit Completion & Sign Off
10.1 Site Manager / Supervisor - Agreement with audit findings
10.2 Manager Completing Audit