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Employee Evaluation Form Template

Managers use this top-down evaluation form to assess the work of their employees. This template helps you to evaluate employee’s behaviour, productivity, strengths and fields for development. Affix digital signatures to confirm the meeting.
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The employee...
Shows initiative: takes independent actions and/or generates opportunities to accomplish a task; masters obstacles to address existing problems with minimal direction; helps the productivity of the team.
Time and attendance: adheres to work on schedule and follows time record keeping methods including call out methods, when applicable.
Shows service motivation: demonstrates a commitment to assist the customers; works to develop services to meet the demands of consumers and fellow workers.
Completes assignments: final results are accomplished with precision and efficiency and completed on time.
Accepts responsibility: takes accountability for decisions made in job parameters; holds self-responsible for work or actions.
Demonstrates adaptability: experience and willingness to change work or plans based on new information or contradictory evidence; works efficiently in light of new information, varying situations and/or different environments.
Reveals competence in communicating: shows effective verbal and non­verbal presentation skills with workers, peers, supervisors and the public; shares valuable information, concepts, and ideas openly; handles sensitive matters with tact and diplomacy.
Respects differences: explores and values input from others with objectivity; shows no stereotyping based on race, gender, disability, age, ethnicity or culture.
What are the worker's strongest points?
What are the worker's weaknesses?
What can the worker do to be more productive or make improvements?
Important work-related achievements (projects, assignments, new skills or knowledge gained)
Employee's target goals:
What further training would serve the employee?
Further comments:
Overall employee assessment rating:
By signing the underneath, you confirm that you have discussed this reflection in detail with your supervisor.
Full name and signature of the employee:
Full name and signature of the supervisor:
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.