Inspector Information
Date & Time
Roof Inspection
Check for blocked drains
Are there any openings where water can seep through?
Are there any areas where the ceiling sags?
Is there any evidence of water damage?
Is there any mold and mildew growth?
Walls & Floor Inspection
Is there any evidence of wood rot?
Is there any mold and mildew growth?
Is there any peeling or blistering paint?
Are the floors sagging in any areas?
Are the walls cracked in any places?
Are bubbles present in the paint?
Is there any evidence of efflorescence?
Are there rust stains on the surface of the concrete?
Plumbing & Drains Inspection
Check if the downpipes are fitted to the gutter
Check for blockages, leaks, and drips
Is there any mold and mildew growth?
Areas That Need To Be Waterproofed
Risk Level
Material Type
Materials tested according to specifications?
Type of waterproofing system used according to material
Is the use of a mechanical mixer required?
Substrate Preparation
Is the surface clean and free of debris?
Is the surface flat and even?
Is the surface dry?
Is there sufficient fall to outlets?
Make sure there is no running or pooling water
45 degrees mortar fillet to edge between floor and wall or pipes
Caps on floor openings
Waterproofing Membrane Application
Apply first sealant coat with roller brush
Apply second layer of sealant coat perpendicular to the first
Coat applied to pipes and corners
Upturn of at least 200mm for walls
Upturn of at least 50mm for pipes
Make sure there are no air bubbles
Adhere to the sealant brand's specific application instructions ie. thickness, number of layers, drying time, etc.
Protect the area from people and elements so it can dry properly
Inspector Full Name & Signature