What Is a server maintenance checklist?
Company internet servers must undergo regular maintenance. Maintaining a high workload reliably can take a toll on server hardware. Even cutting-edge, high-powered servers can be overwhelmed.
A server maintenance checklist is a tool for routine server maintenance. They list tasks that need to be completed on a regular basis (daily, weekly or monthly) to make sure server continue to perform well. While server maintenance is not one of the IS0 27001 information security management requirements, it is essential for any digital business.
What does a server maintenance checklist include?
A server maintenance checklist template covers both the system’s hardware and software. It Maintenance checklists help administrators define their goals and keep servers up and running.
In general, a server maintenance checklist has seven steps:
1. Develop a maintenance routine
Don’t wait to schedule maintenance until there’s a server outage; instead, develop a regular maintenance schedule. Maintenance frequency depends how old your equipment is, the data center, and the number of servers requiring maintenance. For example, older equipment in server racks should be checked more frequently than new models in modern data centers.
2. Step: Schedule downtime
A server maintenance checklist needs to regularly check system logs for errors or required corrective actions.
If a log indicates errors with certain server modules, check and replace them if necessary. Before performing any planned maintenance, always check to see if firmware, operating system, or application updates are available.
To avoid unnecessary downtime that disrupts overall operations, managers should determine in advance when these checks will happen. Commonly, maintenance happens at night or over the weeknd. You may also decide to temporarily migrate applications to another server so that they remain available. During this time, maintenance can be performed on the original server.
3. Check lustration paths
Once a server is offline, you should inspect its external and internal airflow paths. Remove the server from the rack for cleaning, and remove any dust buildup or debris blocking airflow with dry compressed air.
4. Test local hard disks
Hard disk problems affect the performance and stability of applications and lead to possible disk errors. You can use specific inspection programs to check the integrity of hard disks and identify and recover bad sectors.
5. Check event logs
Event logs are where servers record a variety of incidents. Your server maintenance checklist should include a review of the system, malware, and other event logs. Also review reporting settings, to make sure the proper alerts and recipients are set up. Include contact methods. For example, if a critical error occurs outside of business hours, notify a technician in multiple ways, not just by email.
6. Test patches and updates
Server software components need to work together, so they are constantly patched or updated to fix bugs, improve security, and improve performance. However, never automatically update production software. First, check whether the system requires a patch or upgrade and test the change beforehand to discover any advantages, disadvantages, and potential bugs.
7. Record all system changes
During server maintenance, hardware, software, or system configuration changes may occur. It’s important to review and record any changes, since they alter system configurations.
At the end of your server maintenance, it’s also important to check all systemsecurity settings. Once the server is back online, any system backups or disaster recovery content will then be updated.
What are the most common server maintenance procedures?
Whether performing daily, weekly, monthly, or scheduled server maintenance, these are the most important areas to inspect:
- Operating system/software: You need to stay current with operating systems, applications, and security updates. This ensures that bugs are fixed quickly and your system is safe from hacking.
- Hardware: Regularly check the temperature, airflow, and humidity in server rooms. This makes sure no dust or dirt is interfering with airflow.
- Logs: Check event logs to identify potential or developing problems quickly.
- User access: Make sure individuals who no longer work for the organization can’t access your system. Unauthorized access threatens the company’s information security.
What are the benefits of a server maintenance checklist?
Using a server maintenance checklist helps with the following:
- Accounting for every possible issue and properly addressing issues
- Ensuring a consistent and systematic process that supports uninterrupted server operations
- Documenting processes required for certain international certifications
- Scheduling waiting windows and planning subsequent server maintenance.
How a digital solution helps with server maintenance
Lumiform is an inspection platform that helps IT professionals perform scheduled server maintenance checks. Its planning function reminds technicians when maintenance is due. Administrators can easily track whether or not said maintenance is being performed as scheduled.
Lumiform’s mobile app makes it easier to perform server maintenance, by helping you quickly report problems and assign corrective actions. Easy communication with all team members and third parties enables you to improve internal processes and resolve incidents up to four times faster.
Lumiform also documents everything with the mobile app, which you can use via smartphone or tablet. This documentation helps you improve processes further and avoid server downtime.
In addition, the app offers:
- A flexible form construction kit that you can use to convert paper forms into digital server maintenance checklists within minutes.
- Real-time data generated as you complete internal processes. This makes it easy to measure quality and safety.
- A simple interface that leaves no margin for error for inspectors on site
- Automatic reports containing all your inspection data which you can send to stakeholders