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Restroom Cleaning Checklist

A restroom cleaning checklist is a tool used to ensure that all cleaning tasks are completed thoroughly and consistently in public or private restrooms.

Downloaded 37 times
Are all employees wearing a name tag?
Are all cleaners fully dressed in proper uniforms?
Are all cleaners trained on proper chemical handling, storage, and disposal?
Are all cleaners wear appropriate PPE when handling chemical?
Cleaning Checklist
Is the floor area clean?
Is the wall clean and sanitized?
Is the ceiling free from cobwebs?
Are all lights in good working condition?
Are all frames and wall fittings free from dust?
Are all mirrors wiped off?
Are all counters and sinks wiped off?
Are all door locks in good working condition?
Are all toilets and urinals clean and sanitized?
Is the waste bin emptied?
Is the waste receptacle clean and sanitized?
Is there enough toilet paper?
Is hand soap available?
Look at the score above to get the overall rating. Pass > = 85% Fail
Cleaning Supervisor's Full Name and Signature
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Maintaining Hygiene with a Restroom Cleaning Checklist

A restroom cleaning checklist is a valuable tool for ensuring that public or private restrooms are cleaned thoroughly and consistently. The checklist typically includes items such as cleaning and sanitizing toilets, sinks, and mirrors, restocking supplies such as toilet paper and soap, and sweeping and mopping floors.

Using a restroom cleaning checklist promotes consistency in performing routine cleaning tasks, which is essential for maintaining a hygienic environment. Regular use of the checklist can also help identify potential issues before they become serious problems, preventing the spread of germs and diseases.

A restroom cleaning checklist can be customized to fit the specific needs of the facility. It can be used for both daily cleaning and periodic deep cleaning, as well as for maintaining a regular cleaning schedule. By keeping restrooms clean and hygienic with regular use of a restroom cleaning checklist, you can promote a healthier and safer environment for employees, customers, or visitors.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.