Lumiform Auditorías móviles & inspecciones
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Software de gestión de calidad (SGC)

Planea, controla y mejora todo proceso que pueda afectar la calidad de tus servicios/productos y la satisfacción de tus clientes. Logra los resultados que buscas con Lumiform.
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Beneficios clave

Con el software de gestión de calidad gratuito, puedes hacer las inspecciones con más frecuencia para asegurarte de que todo funciona correctamente y de que cualquier desviación se corrige en el menor tiempo posible. Con la app de Lumiform resuelves los problemas hasta 4 veces más rápido asignando acciones correctivas a los compañeros de equipo.

A diferencia de los listados en papel y bolígrafo, el flujo de inspección de Lumiform es 100% digital y te permite realizar cualquier modificación sobre la marcha. Crea tus propias listas de control, asigna tareas a compañeros de equipo, añade criterios de evaluación y, ¡lo mejor de todo es que sin mayor esfuerzo estás optimizando los procedimientos de calidad y seguridad de tu empresa!

La app de Lumiform crea automáticamente análisis e informes en profundidad para que puedas ver el progreso de todos las tareas asignadas y procesos. Además, puedes filtrar los resultados con base en diferente criterios para identificar rápidamente las cuestiones más importantes del negocio. De esta manera, te anticipas a los problemas y puedes solucionarlos incluso antes de que ocurran.

Características principales
1. Crea formularios personalizados en pocos minutos

Elige entre más de 12.000 plantillas listas para usar, o crea tus propios y potentes formularios en un instante.

Realice inspecciones de forma eficiente a través de la intuitiva aplicación de inspección Lumiform. Esté donde esté, en línea o fuera de línea.

Formula observaciones, asigna acciones correctivas directamente a tus colegas y haz seguimiento de todo el proceso de resolución de problemas.

Comparta sus informes de inspección generados automáticamente directamente con todas las partes interesadas mientras analiza a fondo todos los datos.

Trabaja en colaboración en las acciones mientras registras las operaciones.

Programa y asigna las inspecciones para que se realicen de forma fiable y a tiempo.

Las notificaciones push, los correos electrónicos o los SMS recuerdan a tu equipo las inspecciones que hay que hacer.

Añade comentarios de texto y fotos durante una inspección.

Utiliza lógicas para guiar a tu equipo a través de cada inspección de forma estandarizada.

Personaliza tus informes para que se ajusten exactamente a tus necesidades.

Activa y asigna acciones automáticamente en función de la respuesta de un inspector.

Implica a socios externos en la resolución de la acción sin coste adicional.

Conecte Lumiform vía API a sus sistemas existentes.

Enhancing Your Quality Management System With a Digital Tool

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a framework of policies, procedures, and processes that a company uses to ensure that its products and services meet customer requirements and industry standards. Implementing a QMS is an important part of any company’s operations as it can help to improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall performance.

With pen and paper, it is often difficult to establish well-functioning quality management in a company as it gives you little flexibility and consumes your time and desk space; that’s where Lumiform comes in. With the help of digital checklists, you can finally manage quality in an efficient and effective way within your company. Changing from analog to digital brings a lot of advantages that will make your daily work easier, and provide more structure and higher quality. Benefit from smooth processes, automatic analyses as well as the guarantee of a high-quality standard with Lumiform’s QMS App.

Find out more about the following topics:

1. A Free Quality Management Software For All Industries

2. The Process of a QMS Inspection Using a Digital Software

3. The Top Three Features of Lumiform’s QMS App

The Benefits of Lumiform’s Free QMS Software For All Industries

Quality is integral for every department within your company; this is why you can utilize Lumiform’s QMS Software in all areas of your establishment, regardless of the industry. Our Quality Management System App is highly intuitive and can help your company get ISO 9001 certification and achieve quality goals.

Companies like yours are benefitting from QMS Software in the following ways:

  • Streamlining processes: Digital software can streamline and automate many of the processes involved in a QMS, such as document management, data collection and analysis, and corrective action tracking. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Improved Data Management: Lumiform can help to improve the management of data and information by providing a centralized repository for all QMS-related data. This makes it easy to access and analyze data, and track the progress of quality improvement projects.
  • Better Collaboration: Lumiform’s digital software can facilitate better collaboration among employees and departments by allowing them to access and share information in real time. This can help to improve communication and coordination and to promote a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Auditing: Digital software can facilitate the auditing process by providing pre-built audit templates and checklists, making it easy to conduct audits and track the progress of corrective actions.

The Process of a Digital QMS Inspection

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s essential for you to have a Quality Management System (QMS) in place to ensure that your products and services meet customer requirements and industry standards. One key component of a QMS is inspections, and the use of digital software can greatly enhance the inspection process.

Performing one of these digital QMS inspections involves several steps made simple with Lumiform:

  1. Setting Up the Inspection: Before performing the inspection, you will need to set it up using the app. This may involve creating a new checklist using our intuitive form builder or selecting an existing, pre-built template from the software’s library.
  2. Conducting the Inspection: From here, you can begin to conduct the inspection within the mobile app to document observations, findings, and any non-conformities. The use of a phone or tablet makes it simple and accessible for your inspections to be done on the spot.
  3. Recording Results: This step may sound daunting at first, especially if you know the difficulties and time that go into creating a record of inspections using pen and paper, but with Lumiform, this step involves little to no effort on your end. Once your inspection is complete, the app automatically generates a report containing all of the data from the inspection; this may involve notes or photographs taken during the audit.
  4. Assign Corrective Actions: Any issues that were flagged during the inspection need to be corrected by a member of your team. In the app, you can sign a specific person to each issue, set a date for its hopeful completion and signify the severity of the task.
  5. Tracking and Follow-Up: Once you’ve assigned a person to each corrective action, you can track their progress and verify their completion, helping to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

By using Lumiform’s digital software to perform QMS inspections, you can improve the efficiency, accuracy and visibility of the inspection process, and make it easier to track and follow up on any issues identified.

Three Beneficial Features of Lumiform’s QMS Software

For your company to be successful, quality assurance is key. With the right tool, promoting quality is quite easy. Switching from pen and paper to an intuitive and digital solution is essential for simplified and optimized processes. With QMS software, you can easily conduct internal and external quality audits via tablet or smartphone – online or offline. With the desktop version, you can create suitable checklists or digitize your existing paper lists. The tool guides you step by step through your inspections and enables excellent quality management. Below are three more highlighted features that you can access when you implement Lumiform into your workflow:

  • Scheduling and Notifications
  • You can depend on the Lumiform app to keep to your schedule. All employees are informed of procedures and their deadlines. Automatic reminders are sent to managers when tasks are past due and issues arise.

  • Time-Saving Process
  • Lumiform saves you time and effort so you can focus on other areas by providing pre-built templates, automated reporting, real-time data analysis and mobile access, streamlining the audit process and enabling quick identification and correction of issues.

  • Track Process Management in Real Time
  • Monitor the performance of your quality management team and identify opportunities to improve your organization’s processes and efficiency by analyzing data stored safely in the cloud for your convenience.

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