In any project or production, tools are instrumental to getting things done. They are meant to not only make the job easier but essentially get it done the best way possible. However, when tools are mishandled or not in their best condition, they can expose workers to hazards and even cause serious damage to their health.
This guide explores the basics of hand and power tools safety that you should know about, including common hazards, prevention strategies, and tips for maintaining a safe workplace. This allows you to protect your team and significantly reduce the risk of accidents.
Best practices for hand and power tools safety
It’s critical to ensure that tools are in good condition and appropriate safety measures are taken by workers. All it takes is one loose part or lack of inappropriate protective gear for accidents to happen from flying or falling objects, and harmful dust or fumes from the use of hand and power tools. On top of this, electrical connections should be for the tools being used, and the working conditions are not exposing workers to fire hazards.
Most importantly, inspect every tool and equipment to protect workers from potential health and safety risks. One of the best practices to increase safety measures is conducting tools inspections daily or monthly for tools used regularly. This will ensure that hand and power tools are in optimal condition during use.
Using a hand and power tools safety checklist during audits is the best way to guarantee that you’re documenting all necessary steps and findings. To get you started, here are some tool safety inspection checklists that you can edit based on your needs then download from Lumiform.
During a site walkthrough, everything from assessing worker competencies to the appropriate use of proper protective equipment (PPE) should be included. Then document an inspection of individual tools (e.g. cracked blacked or loose parts) thoroughly to keep a record of equipment condition at the time of the audit. This will serve as a helpful reference for future inspections and monitoring of corrective actions implemented.
Top causes of power tool accidents
Many potential risks exist around power tools. You have a piece of equipment with either a sharp blade or high RPM. If you are not careful, a number of injuries and work accidents can happen. A lot of accidents in the workplace are not necessary and can be avoided if you have a hand power tools safety checklist.
Here’s some of the most common causes:
1. Trips and falls from messy cords
Cords left lying all over the place is a potential trip hazard. You can prevent trips and falls in your workplace by keeping everything organized. Yes, it is a workplace, but that doesn’t mean it has to be disorganized. Take a few minutes to sweep up and move the cords aside. Also, check for loose and protruding lines that might cause someone to stumble.
2. Removing the blade guard
When using the table saw, don’t forget two things — keep your hands as far as possible from the blade and never remove the blade guard. If you need to remove the blade guard because of clearances, always use a feather board or push stick.
3. Not wearing any protection
When working with blades or sharp tools, always wear the appropriate PPE. For example, wear cut-protection gloves when using utility knives, sheet metal, or puncture-resistant boots when doing heavy-duty work or working around sharp objects.
4. Shocks and arcs
Although most injuries usually involve electric shocks from high-voltage arcs, smaller voltage arcs are no less dangerous. An electrician working on a ladder can get outbalanced and fall even when encountering a small voltage shock.
Another cause comes from working close to explosive gases while using any power tools. Ignition of these gases can cause severe burns and death. So always be aware of your surroundings and report any materials that you deem hazardous.
5. Lack of eye and face protection
Never forget to wear protective equipment for your eyes and face when working with abrasive cutting blades. These tools operate on high RPM, so there’s a possibility that they might come apart. Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from flying objects.
6. Not paying attention
Getting distracted or not paying attention has a high price, especially when working with high-power tools. When you become too familiar with the tools you use, you tend to do everything automatically, losing focus. You forget that you’re holding a tool in one hand while suspended 20 feet up in the air. Or you might think someone has already switched off the breaker, so you did not double-check it. These are simple things that can cost you your life if you fail to pay attention.
Essential safety rules when using hand and power tools
The Standard 1926.03 comprises the OSHA hand tools safety guidelines. It talks about the proper handling of pneumatic and electric power-operated tools, including the safe limit of compressed air. According to 1926.302(b)(4), never use compressed air for cleaning purposes unless necessary. In case it happens, it reduces the pressure lower than 30 p.s.i. Also, use effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment. Otherwise, it must never be used for that purpose.
Aside from this, here are the five most essential safety rules to remember when using power tools:
1. Ensure that all tools are properly maintained
Regular maintenance is the key to keeping the equipment reliable and safe to use. Tools should also be inspected regularly to lessen the risk of injuries because of equipment malfunction. Accidents and injuries often result in downtime, harming work efficiency.
2. Use the appropriate tool for the task
Each tool is designed for a specific task. For example, using a hammer and nail instead of a power drill to bore a hole on a cement wall could injure you. So make sure to use the right tools for the task.
3. Inspect each tool prior to each use
Inspecting the tools for defects and damages prior to each use is crucial in preventing accidents and injuries. Some of the things to look for are:
- Cracks and damages to the handle and body casing
- Defects in cords. Also, check if the power cord is fraying, cracking, and any signs of faults and wear in the cord insulation.
- Damaged switches and faulty trigger locks
- Auxiliary or double handles are installed securely
- Cracks, missing or loose prongs in the plugs
If you find a defective tool, make sure to tick it on your power tool safety inspection checklist and tag it as “out of service” or “for repair.” make sure that only a qualified person will repair the faulty tools.
4. Follow manufacturer’s instructions
User manuals guide workers to operate the tools properly. Take time to read and follow the recommended use of the manual to avoid mishandling. Neglecting them can cause injuries and accidents.
5. Use personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment adds an extra layer of protection to workers. Wear the appropriate PPE when working around hazardous materials like volatile liquids and flammable gases.
A digital hand and power tool checklist app
Paper-based checklists are inconvenient for data entry. Paper documents can easily get lost in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day operations, leading to unresolved cases. In addition, there is no easy way for an inspector to attach photographic evidence. In contrast, a digital tool would allow them to take photos and instantly upload them to the cloud.
Lumiform is a powerful inspection application that replaces all paper-based power tool safety inspection checklists with digital lists. Because the checklists can be instantly annotated with photos and notes to highlight key findings, the final digital reports are more detailed and data-driven.
- Capture photos of identified defects and issues during the inspection with your mobile device to make your report more descriptive.
- Assign corrective actions to the right personnel already from the app and track their completion via the dashboard.
- Share your inspection results in real time with your managers or safety officers through automatic report sharing.
- Save time by more easily evaluating all data and more quickly identifying where action is needed.
- Sign with digital signatures to validate inspection reports and manage accountability across your organization.
Try Lumiform for free and streamline your inspections while improving workplace safety!