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Balcony Inspection Checklist

Balcony Inspection Checklist is a systematic list of safety items to be inspected on balconies. It includes items such as railings, floors, walls, sills and doors for structural integrity, as well as items such as furniture, plants and decorations for potential hazards. Regular inspection can help prevent potential accidents and ensure a safe balcony environment.. Conduct the proper maintenance checks to ensure their structural integrity and the safety of those who enjoy the space.

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Type of Exterior Construction
General Observations
Railing Requirements
Is the deck's guard rail at least 30 inches above the grade?
Is the rail 36 inches from the top of the rail to the deck's surface?
Ledger Board Requirements
Are all the bolts, lag screws, and expansion anchors at least a 1/2 inch in diameter?
Are the lag screws at least a 1/2 inch deep?
Are the upper bolts at least 2 inches below the top edge of the ledger?
Are the Lags made of at least one of the following materials?
Ledger board must be equal to or greater than deck joist width but equal to or less than rim joist width
The ledger board is larger than 2X5
Is the balcony or deck connecting to a wood frame building?
Is there any evidence of the following to the stringers?
Treads And Handrails
Is there any evidence of the following to the treads?
Tread width is at least ten inches
Hand rails are sturdy, securely attached, and not loose
Is the span of a solid stringer less than 16.6 inches?
Is the span of a notched stringer less than 7 inches?
Is the throat less than 5 inches?
Is the concrete poured below the frost line?
Is the footing at least 30 inches deep and 6 inches in diameter?
Water drains away from footers?
Wood is not directly connected to the concrete?
Is there splitting in the column?
Is there any evidence of the following?
Full Name And Signature Of Inspector
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A Balcony Inspection Checklist is a tool used by property owners, managers, and inspectors to ensure that balconies are safe and secure for occupants. The checklist includes items such as checking for structural integrity, examining guardrails, verifying handrails are properly secured, and inspecting for signs of water damage. It also assists in identifying potential hazards and assessing the overall condition of the balcony. By completing a regular inspection, property owners and managers can identify and address any potential safety issues before they become a problem.
Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.