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Payroll Procedures
Payroll registers reconciled to general ledger
Payroll deductions properly authorized
Payroll tax payments made timely
Payroll system access restricted to appropriate personnel
Payroll changes reviewed and approved
Hiring & Onboarding
Job descriptions documented for all positions
Background and reference checks completed
I-9 forms accurately completed for all new hires
Onboarding checklist used for new employees
Exit interviews conducted for all terminations
Final paychecks issued on last day of employment
Access to company systems/facilities revoked
COBRA and other termination paperwork provided
Employee Records
Employee files maintained in secured location
Files contain all required employment documents
Files reviewed periodically for accuracy
Retention policy in place for personnel records
Time & Attendance
Time records approved by managers
Paid time off requests properly authorized
Time off balances accurately maintained
Overtime pay calculated correctly
HR Policies
Employee handbook annually reviewed and updated
All employees acknowledge receipt of handbook
HR policies consistently enforced
Reporting hotline in place for complaints
Training & Development
Annual training plan documented
Training records maintained for all employees
Management training on HR compliance
New hire training on policies and procedures