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Security Guard Safety And Security Checklist Template

Security guards often have to report damages or events that their superiors need to know about so that they can take the necessary corrective actions to ensure the long-term safety of their site for all who work, visit, or live there. A digital checklist can aid in making sure they are performing their job responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

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Security Guard Patrol Checklist
Security Guard Name
Security Guard Badge Number
Date & Time
Weather Conditions
Fire Safety
Are all fire exit doors working and clear from obstructions?
Are all fire extinguishers present with the gauge pointing in the green?
Are all fire safety exit signs present and lit?
Are all fire routes clearly accessible and free from obstruction?
Are all fire safety exit maps posted and clearly visible?
Perimeter Check
Walk the perimeter of the building
Are there any damages to the outside of the building?
Are all walkways clear?
Are all entrances locked and secured?
Are there any loiters or suspicious characters?
Any new vandalisms?
Are there any breaches to the fencing?
Is the outside well-lit?
Are there any bulb outages?
Are surveillance cameras working?
Interior Safety Inspection
Are all windows closed, sealed, and locked?
Are all exterior doors securely locked?
Are all the blinds closed?
Is all the ceiling lights working?
Are the CCVT cameras and monitors working?
Are the stairways free from obstructions?
Are all the roof doors locked?
Are all the elevators in working order?
Are there any new damages that need to be documented?
Were there any new maintenance requests submitted?
Safety Inspection Conclusion
Additional Comments & Concerns (ie. any suspicious characters, objects, events, etc.)
Number of Incidents
Any Incident Reports Submitted?
Number of Damages Recorded
Attach Pictures of Damages
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.