You can use this APQP checklist as a guide for the product design and development phase of the advanced product quality plan method. Approve Design FMEA, prototype control plans, engineering specifications, production process sequence, and process descriptions by using this APQP checklist. Attach photos of engineering drawings, prototype builds, and other evidence of findings for proper documentation of the APQP.
APQP Checklist (Product Design and Development)
APQP Checklist (Product Design and Development)
Use this APQP checklist as a guide for the product design and development phase.
APQP Checklist (Product Design and Development)
Use this APQP checklist as a guide for the product design and development phase.
About the APQP Checklist (Product Design and Development)
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APQP Checklist
Product Design and Development
Is reliability growth organised at this phase and is it measured by design review activities through the product improvement cycle?
Are Design FMEAs created for the system and component-level designs and do they reveal all Special Characteristics (product and process) obtained from product level Design FMEA?
Are Special Characteristics Lists used?
Are Actions followed up and are Process FMEAs renewed to reflect actions taken?
Is a mistake proofing strategy (Poke Yoke) used from FMEA output for Design and Process?
What Team design exists for DFMEA development?
Are surrogate problem-solving results utilised in DFMEA improvement?
Is Warranty Data utilised for Failure Modes and Effects on DFMEAs?
Have Designs been improved using Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)?
Are Design Verification Plans organised and do they show Design FMEA outputs for product level system, and component-level designs as suitable?
Have Design reviews been held at proper stages part of all levels of designs?
Is there a formal design review method with design items identified (check sheet)?
Are serviceability details included?
Are records sustained?
Are APQP Design Deliverables part of the design review method?
Are Prototype Control Plans used and do they reflect Special Characteristics derived from Design FMEAs?
Are tolerance studies and analyses done at intersections of mating elements prior to design sign-off, part of management design reviews/sign-offs, and based on producing variability data?
Attach photos of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) and Engineering Drawings
Is GD&T established based on customer requirement and process capability?
Do Engineering Drawings show Special Characteristics driven from Design FMEAs and GD&T needs?
Are Engineering Drawings established on Process FMEAs?
Are changes to Engineering Drawings and Specifications immediately communicated and properly reported to all affected areas and used Design FMEAs to determine change impacts?
Do Engineering, Material and Performance specifications contain sample size, frequency and acceptance criteria and contain special characteristics relating to physical properties, performance, environmental handling, and deposit of Materials?
Are new equipment, tooling, facility, gaging, and test equipment needs identified from Design FMEAs and contained in the project plan?
Attach photos of the Manufacturing Process Sequence
Is the Manufacturing Process Sequence concluded and involves Process Flow and Plant Scroll?
Are Process Descriptions open that include a written explanation of the assembly process and directions by workstations?
Are Potential Process Failure Modes recognised with the use of Process FMEA’s at the product level, system, and component-level designs?
Are high-risk failure modes classified by the station and are lists ready?
Are approved Significant and Critical Characteristics from DFMEA failure modes on proper process steps?
Attach photos of Prototype Builds.
Are Prototype Builds carried out that include components that have completed and passed all Design Verification Testing, were made from production-intent processes and information on actions needed to develop designs from builds?
Is Product level, System and/or Component Design Verification Testing carried out that includes test results that cover Pass / Fail criteria and identification of any test Failures on Design FMEAs?
Have Test, Diagnostic, and Service Procedures been concluded?
Any recommendations?
Name & Signature of Project Manager:
This template was downloaded 29 times
This template, developed by Lumiform employees, serves as a starting point for businesses using the Lumiform platform and is intended as a hypothetical example only. It does not replace professional advice. Companies should consult qualified professionals to assess the suitability and legality of using this template in their specific workplace or jurisdiction. Lumiform is not liable for any errors or omissions in this template or for any actions taken based on its content.