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Construction daily report template

Use this Construction Daily Report of Activities to register the tasks for the day. Give details about the job, weather condition, workforce, directions given, delays, and elements. Report any risks observed or incidents that happened and attach photos. Indicate examinations that occurred and record visitants in the workplace. Finish the report by adding a digital signature of the manager or site supervisor.
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Job Description
Job designation:
Job No.:
Weather Information
Weather report:
current temperature:
Winds in km/h
Precipitation at A.M.
Precipitation at P.M.
Job Workforce
Crew title:
Crew No.:
Total No. of hours:
Full name of Subcontractor:
Crew No.:
Total No. of working hours:
Daily Activities
Describe the daily activities for today and the phase of the project:
Photo/s if necessary:
More Information
Did you start the work on time?
Were you formally instructed to stop?
Were there any verbal instructions?
Was a subcontractor instructed (verbal or written) to do something?
Were any fieldwork requests received or performed today?
Was any Subcontractor planned to begin or material to be delivered but didn't?
Were you asked to do any extra tasks?
Was a workplace examination done today?
Were there any hazards on the workplace observed or events that happened today?
Do all Subcontractors follow the THG Safety Management Program?
Was any QA/QC examination implemented today?
Visitor Information
Were there any visitors today?
Name and signature of the Foreman or Supervisor:
Name and signature of the inspector (in case it was someone else):
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Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.