Why you need a construction daily report
Construction daily report templates help you to record the progress of construction projects and helps to ensure that the work is completed on time and within budget. The form contains information about the team, the weather, the hours worked, the project phase, and any incidents or faults that could delay the project. The construction daily report is considered the most important documentation medium on construction sites and provides transparency for all parties involved regarding the current status of the projects.
The daily construction report template used in tandem with a safe work method statement for construction sites also makes sure that everyone involved in a task is working from the same document and has the same information, preventing miscommunications and mistakes. In this way, the construction day report also protects crew members from being unfairly blamed for mistakes or delays. If a project milestone or deadline is missed, the blame is placed on the workers or the project manager. By keeping a complete record of the construction day logs, the construction manager can ensure that there is evidence when delays are caused by circumstances beyond his control, such as delivery problems, weather conditions, or other obstacles.
Contents of daily construction report templates
It is important that the construction daily report is kept regularly. It serves to be able to trace the work processes of the project. The purpose of the construction daily report templates is to record the work performance, resources, routine events, and special occurrences and to communicate these to the contractual partner in a timely manner.
The documentation in the construction daily construction report is an important basis for clarifying possible facts and responsibilities. Therefore, the construction diary must cover certain aspects of the project:
- Information on the location and the companies involved
- Number of workers employed
- Date of the respective entry
- Information on the general progress of the construction work
- Weather conditions
- Performance results/ changes
- Remarks/ special incidents / difficulties
- Documentation of defects and damage
- Results of meetings, as well as the names of the persons taking part
- Installations such as operating instructions and photos of installed elements
Advantages of implementing a daily construction report routine
Although the construction report process may sound tedious, it quickly becomes a habit. This is mainly because the benefits of completing a daily report far outweigh the effort of documenting the project.
Once you have written a number of daily reports, you will be in possession of a consistent record of the project’s progress. This will give you the opportunity to identify patterns and opportunities for improvement from the data you gather that you probably would not have noticed otherwise. For example, you may notice that too many materials are constantly being ordered or equipment is being rented for longer than necessary. In these cases, you can make changes and save money and effort.
As mentioned at the beginning, a daily construction report also serves to avoid discrepancies and disputes. By evaluating the information in the daily construction report templates, it is ideally possible to understand exactly why project milestones and deadlines could not be met. The causes can be manifold. On the one hand, they can be due to internal problems, such as incorrect planning, sick leave, and so on. On the other hand, external causes can be responsible, such as delivery problems, capricious weather, or official requirements.
A digital and mobile construction daily report tool
With a digital solution, the site manager or site supervisor easily creates a daily construction report online. They send their reports immediately via their mobile device. This saves time and eliminates the burden of manually transcribing from logbooks. Digital technology allows information to be recorded accurately, avoiding delays in reporting and preventing documentation problems caused by incomplete notes or missing records.
With Lumiform, the ever-increasing legal requirements for documenting construction activities are more easily met by documenting everything with the mobile app via smartphone or tablet. The system guides the responsible employee through all documentation processes. A clean, transparent documentation helps to avoid high fines. The daily construction report app gives you the opportunity to:
- Convert any individual paper list into a digital daily construction report template with the flexible form builder without much effort.
- Using the super intuitive mobile app with your teammates to conduct check in the field with ease and in no time.
- Bundle automatically all results, images and comments in one digital construction report, that can be send immediately to building owners.
- Simpler analyse all data and faster identify all areas that need your attention.
- Have the correctness of all anagents confirmed by the responsible employees of the respective construction stages by means of a digital signature.
- Store all daily construction reports securely in the cloud.