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PPE Construction Compliance Checklist Template

This PPE Construction Compliance Checklist Template is an easy-to-use tool to ensure workers are equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for a safe work environment. It includes a comprehensive list of PPE items for workers to wear and use on the job.

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If the necessity for PPE is identified, are employers providing employees with correctly-fitted equipment?
PPE Inspection
Are protective goggles or face shields given and used where there is a hazard of flying particles or corrosive elements?
Are your workplaces frequently checked for the requirement for PPE?
Are protecting gloves, aprons, shields, or other means given and needed where employees could be hurt or where there is possible exposure to acid liquids, chemicals, blood or other possibly infectious materials?
Have the workers in the critical areas been trained on OSHA PPE standards? (Using what things, in what situations, as well as when and how to use it and correctly adjust it)
Are workers who wear remedial lenses (glasses or contacts) on worksites with dangerous exposures needed to wear only certified safety glasses, protective goggles, or use other medically accepted precautionary procedures?
Is ear protection implemented in areas where sound levels pass those of the OSHA noise standard?
Are certified safety glasses needed to be used at all times in workplaces that pose a hazard of eye punctures, abrasions, contusions, or burns?
Is proper foot protection needed where there is the hazard of foot injuries from hot, corrosive, toxic substances, falling objects, crushing or penetrating damages?
Are certified respirators given for regular or emergency use where required?
Is all PPE sustained in a sanitary state and ready for use?
Is required special equipment in place for electrical operators?
Are hard hats examined regularly for damage to the shell and suspension system?
Are food and beverages consumed in places with no dangerous exposure to poisonous materials, blood or other infectious substances?
Are there proper safe work procedures in place for disposing of or decontaminating PPE after dangerous exposure?
Are eyewash facilities and quick drench showers in place within the worksites where workers are exposed to hazardous corrosive materials?
Are safe work methods and PPE implemented and used when wiping up spilt toxic or dangerous materials and liquids?
Do you have any further recommendations?
Name and signature of inspector:
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A PPE Construction Compliance Checklist Template is a helpful tool for ensuring that workers in the construction industry are properly protected from potential hazards. It is designed to help ensure that safety protocols are followed and that the necessary PPE is worn, such as hard hats, safety glasses, and protective clothing. The checklist also covers topics such as proper training and hazardous materials handling. This template helps ensure that construction sites are safe and compliant with industry standards.
Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.